What’s new? EVERYTHING!

Manca Šalehar
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readMar 6, 2018


The beginning of 2018 brought our team even closer together. With fresh ideas, big plans and 9 new exceptional team members the future looks bright. But first, let’s take a look at what happened in the last few weeks. We’ve got to admit — it feels so far away already.

Big welcome to 38,000 new users

Get ready, this one’s a BIG one! In February alone, more than 38,000 new users from 94% countries of the world joined our mission to change the music world. The number of users on our exclusive Facebook group increased for an incredible 46%. On Twitter, we were mentioned 32.8k times.

Even though this was the shortest month of the year, our database team managed to review more than 130,000 entries. The newly added artists come from 183 different countries, with the majority coming from US, UK, Germany, Belgium and Brazil. Surprised?

How did the R&B superstar Akon find out about Viberate?

Our founders Matej Gregorčič and Vasja Veber represented the company at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Vasja was also invited to join the discussion about the future of blockchain at the ConsenSys panel. With the R&B superstar Akon, they had a very productive talk about Viberate’s potential.

2-time Grammy Award winner joined our mission

But that’s not all, we’ve also received HUGE support from the 2-time Grammy Award-winning artist and blockchain enthusiast Imogen Heap, who joined our team as a celebrity advisor.

Meanwhile in Viberate’s offices…

At the beginning of the month, the Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar and other government officials joined a very productive meeting about the opportunities and challenges of the blockchain that took place at our headquarters. With the best Slovenian blockchain companies including SunContract, InsurePal, Iconomi, SportyCo, Hive Project, Netis, Spartan Solutions and Cofound.it under Viberate’s roof, we announced the establishment of the Blockchain Alliance.

What about product updates, you ask?

We’ve been collecting your feedback and focusing on delivering an even better and more secure website. We’ve added the participation guide which helps users optimize their work and gives them more chances to earn additional VIB tokens. We’ve sped up the entire process, upgraded the change suggestion system and introduced the improved security measures by implementing an SMS account verification. Even though our user base is growing exponentially, with 38,000 new members acquired just this month, we want to provide an excellent user experience and a sparkling database.

8 ways to get VIB

Oh, and we’ve added 3 new options for buying VIB. You can now get it on OKEX, Changelly, Bancor, as well as on Bittrex, Binance, Upbit, Livecoin and HitBTC.

And don’t forget to store your VIB in a digital wallet. There are two different options to explore: Jaxx and Exodus.

