Why Bitcoin legend Charlie Shrem believes in Viberate

Vasja Veber
Viberate — Music Data Company
2 min readAug 25, 2017

“If you want to succeed, you have to surround yourself with people who are smarter then you,” is something we frequently hear from business gurus, entrepreneurs or VCs. And it’s true; even the most capable leaders will fail if they don’t find people who simply have more knowledge and experiences to help them maintain focus.

And since we take our commitments very seriously, we have some of the best minds to help us reach our goal to become number one marketplace in live music industry.

We are especially pleased that we have Charlie Shrem on board. Charlie is a true Bitcoin legend. He has been involved in some of the most successful crypto projects to date (BitInstant, Bitcoin Foundation), his story was shared in influential newspapers and magazines (take a look at this great article in Fortune for instance) and he is an overall super cool guy. Charlie also owned a nightclub once where it was possible to pay with cryptocurrency. Needless to say, he is a natural fit for Viberate.

He believes in us, our work and the potential to change business that has been the same for decades. “Music industry is set for disruption. And this is where Viberate comes into play,” he said in a neat video that you can check below (it also includes some wise words from our founders).

Viberate’s founders and advisors talk about the potential and reasons why they decided to build the platform. The video also features Bitcoin living legend Charlie Shrem along with a couple of other advisors and early backers.

Charlie is a member of our advisory team. The same goes for Dejan Roljić and Mark Pleško. Both are seasoned entrepreneurs. Dejan is a founder and CEO of ABC accelerator, one of the most successful of its kind in the CEE region, Mark heads a multi-million high tech company that develops control systems for nuclear accelerators. Oh, and he is a nuclear physicist as well.

They are both full of great ideas, always willing to help or open their address book and call people for us. “In the matter of years, I believe Viberate will create a big change in the music world. They have the passion and the energy about what they are doing,” Dejan said in the video adding: “You will be pretty proud of your investment”. Mark also believes that Viberate is a fantastic idea with a team that knows how to execute and deliver results.

You also can become a part of our story and success by supporting Viberate token crowdsale. We will go live on 5th of September.

