You talked. We listened.

Some things in the music biz kept repeating. We decided to do something about it.

Matej Gregorčič
Viberate — Music Data Company
3 min readSep 14, 2020


It’s funny how some things never change. We’ve been in the music biz for around two decades now (some of us even longer), we’ve seen trends and media come and go, and yet we keep hearing the same issues when talking to music pros. Most often, the reasons someone’s career in music comes to a halt isn’t a lack of passion or of available channels to put your tracks on — the real villains in the story are lack of time and of available resources.

Looks familiar?

Let’s face it: a music career is hard work. Take Scott for example. He’s your typical pro, leading an ambitious triple-shift life. Once he decided to pursue a full-time music career, he’s been signed to record labels and is producing, teaching, engineering sound, creating music, doing PR, marketing and running social media campaigns at the same time. “It’s not easy. Getting recognized in niche genres like Techno can be a real struggle,” he explained in our talk, noting that while he knows his way around stats, he lacks the time to handle them properly. Or as he put it: “I just don’t have the time to go to multiple websites, look up data, make screen-captures and compare them.”

It’s a story we’ve heard a thousand times. So we decided to do something about it. Miha already covered the basics a while ago.

Viberate analytics are ready to launch

To help everyone keep up with the neck-snapping pace of the music industry, we’ve created a tool that helps keep track of important channels and metrics, translate data into clear insights, and replace soul-crushing numbers with understandable visuals.

Every aspect is designed with music pros in mind. Scott was one of our beta testers, and with their ideas and inputs, we were able to pinpoint the most important features, as well as introduce new unique additions:

🎼 Genre analytics. With this feature, you’ll see how many artists make music in the same genre, and compare your own popularity rank within the genre to get a better sense of where your career is at the moment. You can also identify the countries with the most opportunities for artists like you.

Here, sneak a peek.

🗺️ Country analytics. By analysing and comparing different countries, you’ll discover how developed each music market is, and how well you are performing in your local market and overall. By clicking on Top Rising Artists, you can also explore what has made them more popular.

Comparing stats in one place and digging into trends is, of course, just scratching the surface. We’ll get into the details in our upcoming blogs and articles, but for now, let’s focus on the exciting stuff.

What’s coming in the future

In the next editions of our analytics, you’ll enjoy:

🖼️ design adjustments for an even smoother overview
🧐 more aggregated pages, and, perhaps most eagerly awaited:
🎛️ Beatport charts and analytics.

These babies will help artists, labels, A&Rs, social media managers and pretty much any music pro out there get a fresh perspective on their work.

Look, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to do what they love. We’ve been lucky enough to have been working in music and tech for so long. Now, we want to help others achieve their dreams, figure out new opportunities, discover new talent (or get discovered themselves) … to just do their thing and grow their careers.

Data’s here to do the job — and if there was ever a perfect time for the music industry to become more agile, it’s 2020.

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