“WORLD!” | New Indie Manga on The Block

Fiction Analysis #001

CeeCee Jones
Vibes of Fiction


Created by Author With Canva

When I was making the list of fiction I would read & analyze for January, I felt called to experience “WORLD!” by Ain’t Free.

From the moment I saw the cover, I was immediately hooked in!

I created “Vibes of Fiction” to explore the hypothesis that stories carry their own vibration. That vibration consiting of part creator and part higher power. Those vibes in turn alter the people who engage with them.

Taking the joking internet phrase, “blank(insert book, movie, celeb here) altered my brain chemistry,” literal.

“WORLD!” has the vibes of longing.

But before I breakdown the vibe, let me give you the facts!

Story & Art: Ain’t Free

Status: Ongoing (11 chapters currently)

Genre: Action, Fantasy

Publisher: Self

Synopsis-The World of “New Haven” split into two. The division line lays between tainted souls and pure souls. Humanity as a whole competes using murder. Tainted souls and pure souls(heroes) each race to climb their respective ranks to be number 1. Merciless deaths are used as the point system. In this story we follow, Eithea. Eithea is a tainted soul not involving life’s killing game. She is on a mission to find her missing parents. But forced to survive being hunted by the heroes long enough to reach them. The killing must commence!

Spoiler Alert-ish?

Let’s get Into The Vibes



Definition-”A yearning desire.


“WORLD!” uses allegories and references to modern times to drive home the point of longing for peace. Dancing within the confines of duality of good and evil. Each chapter has the perfect balance of conclusion and unanswered questions. Leaving you hungry to read more. Comedy with the flare of the black experience. provides contrast to the grim and gory world of New Haven. The inclusion of a mysterious narrator and poems mixed into chapters are beautiful tactics that immerse you as the reader into “WORLD!”. It. also shows the tiredness of humanity in the gruesome life/death cycle.

In “WORLD!” survival is defined by winning the right to stay alive by long periods of competition. You don’t even get to fathom the idea of peace yet alone act towards making it your reality. Leaving the idea of harmony as a lofty goal.

Which leads me to…

World Building

New Haven consists of the tainted and pure. souls existing in continuous conflict. This conflict disguised as a sport. The world of New Haven emerged long ago with love and companionship of two equal opposites. The disharmony that plagues the world currently is up to it’s inhabitants to unfortunately correct without their creators. So far no one has the bandwidth to break the cycle. Humanity continues to take part in the sick killing game. The face of “justice” being as bloody as the tainted.

New Haven does have a hierarchy. From leaders, cities, and innocent civilians.

The leaders do their best to keep the game going as fair as murder could possibly be. Upholding the segregation of souls is the closest solution to peace.

Until came Eithea and Mars.


Eithea is the new 100th rank tainted soul. Despite being more than capable to hold her own as a powerful tainted soul, Eithea wants for normalcy. And would prefer not having to be in a constant fight for her life. But deep down she longs for the missing piece to the puzzle that is her identity, her parents.

She is very witty and incredibly powerful. On the flip side she also has a short temper and a smart mouth. “How much of these traits are her’s versus passed down?” That is the question that plagues her mind and aches her heart.

Then there is Mars. Mars longs for ultimate justice & belonging. He is the new 100th ranked hero. Being new in the hero hierarchy isn’t easy and comes with a lot of competition. Especially for one who values justice more than rising the ranks. That breeds condescending eyes.

Both Eithea & Mars hold their personal goals close when they first meet as hunter vs the hunted. In midst of their encounter, more than the sparks from their heated battle flew. Their new responsibilities that come with their oppositional ranks keeps those sparks unexplored.

The question is, for how long?

The answer is to read “WORLD!” here to find out if New Haven and it’s people reach what they desire.

This manga is very new so I didn’t wanna spoil tooooo much but I deeply encourage you guys to read it!

Thank you for reading the first of Vibes of Fiction series! If you enjoyed this, leave some claps and share “WORLD!” with your friends.

To Find Me Other Places✍🏽:

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CeeCee Jones
Vibes of Fiction

Just a nerd that can draw and write. Went from reading books, comics, and manga all the time as a kid to now giving it a go myself. Follow for my short stories!