Fashion: How do you want to be seen ?

Asante Jackson
Vibing With Jack
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2019

In my opinion, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. When you are applying for a job, it’s essential to dress for the job that you want or trying to obtain.

When you get up in the morning to go to school, your job, to the store, or anywhere, you want to look your best. My father says, “It’s always imperative to present your best self.” What that means is proper grooming and appropriate attire.

You have no idea who you’ll encounter or who will be watching you.

If you have an interview in a couple of days, you don’t want to wait until the last minute and throw on some casual clothes. Walking into the office of your potential, future boss wearing a T-shirt, sweatpants and Nike tennis shoes isn’t a good start.

For an interview or business event, a male should wear dress slacks or chinos, a collared shirt, a belt, a sport coat or jacket and dress shoes. On the other hand, women have the option of choosing between a modest dress or blouse with a skirt or dress slacks, dress shoes or flats.

If you are hanging out with friends at home or the park, it’s okay to throw on a T-shirt, ripped jeans, sweatpants and tennis shoes.

Looking good isn’t the only part of fashion; instead you have to make sure you’re comfortable with your chosen attire as well as ensuring that it fits properly. If an outfit looks good on a mannequin in the store window, that doesn’t mean it will look the same on the person who wants to buy it.

Often your attire can dictate how people may perceive you and your personality. Your attire can also affect your consideration for a promotion, others’ perception of your abilities and how well you can perform tasks assigned.

Being mindful and carefully selecting our outfits each morning exemplifies that we not only are what we wear, but we can also knowingly become what we wear.

