Susan Eschbach
Published in
Aug 7, 2023

We’re still here

This weekend I went to see Holly Near at a great venue in Saratoga Springs. The crowd was definitely some of my most familar people. At the end of her amazing two set show, she sang a song we all joined in on. The verses were about some of the outrageous things we are all dealing with from the far right — book banning, drag show violence, Roe, election fraud, etc etc..and during the refrains she reminded us all that these are centuries old issues and tells those haters “look around the corner, we’re still here, choosing love instead of fear. We’re still here…..” and we all just kept singing.

I loved this reminder during these times. I am wondering what you are all doing with your outrage and joy, balancing them somehow?

Susan Eschbach
Editor for

teacher • thinker • poet • painter • activist • lover • mom • lesbian • environmentalist • justice driven in all endeavors • balancing anger and awe