Asset Tracking Made Easy: Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Technology

Joseph Saga
Published in
5 min readFeb 14, 2023

Asset tracking is a critical step in managing any business. It helps you keep track of your inventory, making sure everything is accounted for and in the right place. But asset tracking can also be very time-consuming and expensive. In this article, we’ll explore how Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology can make asset tracking much easier and more cost-effective.

BLE technology has become increasingly popular in recent years as a means of tracking assets. BLE is a low-power, short-range wireless technology that is ideal for asset-tracking applications. BLE devices transmit information about their location and status via radio signals to nearby receivers. This information can then be used to track the location of assets in real time.

BLE asset tracking systems typically consist of three main components: sensors, tags, and readers. Sensors are placed at strategic locations around the asset tracking area. These sensors pick up the signal from BLE tags attached to the assets being tracked. The signal is then transmitted to a reader, which decodes the signal and displays the asset’s location on a map or other display interface.

Asset tracking systems using BLE technology offer many benefits over traditional GPS-based systems. They are much more accurate since they can pinpoint the exact location of an asset within a few meters. They are also much less expensive since there is no need to purchase and install costly GPS equipment. In addition, BLE systems are much easier to install and maintain than GPS systems.

If you’re looking for an easy and cost-effective way to track assets, BLE technology is the perfect solution.

Benefits of Leveraging BLE Technology for Asset Tracking

BLE technology offers a number of advantages for asset-tracking applications. First, BLE is power-efficient, which is important for battery-operated devices. Second, BLE offers high accuracy and reliability, making it well-suited for asset-tracking applications. Third, BLE is highly scalable and can be deployed in large-scale asset-tracking systems. Finally, BLE is relatively easy to implement, making it a cost-effective solution for many asset-tracking applications.

How to Implement BLE Technology into an Asset Tracking System

BLE technology can be used in asset tracking systems to provide real-time location data for assets. BLE tags can be placed on assets and connected to a network of receivers that relay information about the asset’s location. This system can be used to track the movement of assets within a facility or across multiple locations.

When implementing BLE technology into an asset tracking system, there are a few key considerations:

1. Determine what data you need to collect about your assets. This will help you choose the right type of BLE tag and configure the tags accordingly.

2. Decide how often you need to track the location of your assets. This will determine the number of BLE receivers you need and how they should be deployed.

3. Estimate the range over which you need to track your assets. This will impact the choice of BLE tags and receivers as well as the overall system design.

4. Consider other factors such as power requirements, security, and scalability when designing your system.

By taking these factors into account, you can implement a BLE-based asset tracking system that meets your specific needs.

Use Cases of BLE in Asset Tracking

There are many different use cases for using BLE in asset tracking. One common use case is to track the location of high-value assets such as medical equipment, vehicles, or inventory. This can be done by placing BLE tags on the assets and using a mobile app or web interface to track their location in real-time. Another use case is to track the usage of assets such as tools, machines, or rental equipment. This can be done by placing BLE tags on the assets and using a mobile app or web interface to track when they are being used and for how long.

Another common use case for BLE in asset tracking is condition monitoring. This can be used to track the temperature, humidity, or vibration of an asset in real-time. This information can be used to prevent damage to the asset or to predict when maintenance will be required.

BLE can also be used to trigger alerts when an asset is moved outside of a designated area. This can be useful for security applications where it is important to know if an asset has been stolen or misplaced.

Finally, BLE can be used to remotely update the firmware on assets that have BLE tags attached to them. This makes it possible to add new features or fix bugs without having to physically access the asset.

Challenges of Using BLE for Asset Tracking

One of the challenges of using BLE for asset tracking is that BLE beacons can only transmit a signal up to about 100 meters. This means that if you have a large facility, you may need to place multiple BLE beacons throughout the facility in order to get comprehensive coverage. Another challenge is that BLE beacons need to have a clear line of sight to the devices they are trying to communicate with, so they may not work well in areas with lots of metal or other obstacles. Finally, BLE beacons typically have shorter battery life than other types of wireless technologies, so you will need to replace them more often.

Best Practices for Utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Technology

Assuming you are already familiar with the basics of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), this section will provide best practices for how to utilize BLE technology for asset tracking.

1. Establish a clear use case for asset tracking. This will help you identify the specific requirements that need to be met by your solution.

2. Select the right BLE tags and readers for your application. There are a variety of tags and readers available on the market, so it is important to select ones that are compatible with each other and fit your specific needs.

3. Test your BLE tags and readers in the environment where they will be used. This will ensure that they have adequate range and accuracy for tracking assets in your particular facility or space.

4. Implement an effective asset tracking system based on your specific use case and equipment selection. This may involve installing fixed readers at strategic locations, using handheld readers for periodic scanning, or utilizing a mobile app with built-in BLE functionality.

5. Manage and maintain your system on an ongoing basis to ensure optimal performance. This may include adding new tags or readers as needed, fine-tuning tag placements or updating software as new versions become available.

In conclusion, asset tracking with BLE technology offers an efficient and cost-effective way to keep track of valuable assets. By leveraging the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons, companies can easily monitor their assets in real-time and ensure greater security for their items. It also allows businesses to save time by reducing manual labor associated with traditional asset-tracking processes. With its easy setup, low maintenance requirements, and affordability, BLE technology is quickly becoming a go-to solution for asset tracking needs.

