Eli -The Only Presentation Controller You Need

Anupama Nair
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2020

At Vicara we have a mission, a mission to improve the way people interact with technology.

Better interactions = Increased ease-of-use = Intuitiveness = Greater efficiency = An empowered workforce. So, the Kai was born.

The Kai gesture controller has been in the hands of customers all around the world, giving them a glimpse into the incomparable benefits of gesture recognition. So we set out to find & solve the next big problem in human-machine interaction. After months of research & speaking to customers from various walks of life, we found it; Presentations.

Presentations have become so commonplace at work that making a brand new deck overnight comes naturally to us. What does not come so naturally, is the actual act of presenting in itself.

From clickers that feel more tedious than helpful to the good old fashion bend-over-the-desk mouse that gave us more control but less comfort, there were problems everywhere. And if you’re are so focused on controlling the presentation, who’s making sure your message gets across? Feeling the Monday morning anxiety creeping up on you slowly?

Well, we’ve got you! Here’s presenting Eli. The Only Presentation Controller You Need.

We don’t say that lightly. Intensive research of the needs & live implementations of the device at various large offices led us to the creation of this one presenter that checks all the boxes.

Let’s take a look at the features, shall we?

1. Air Mouse

This is not a feature. It’s second nature. Eli works just like a mouse - Point, Click, Drag & Drop. Whatever you do with a mouse, you can do it with the Eli without switching devices. And you can do it without having to put the device down on a surface, like a mousepad or a table. Just move it around in the air from wherever you’re standing & it works just like a magic wand.

2. Highlight

That’s right! You can swipe through the air to highlight important details or text in your slides. It works no matter what software you use to present. Powerpoint? Keynote? Google Slides? Doesn’t matter what you use, the highlighter can come to your rescue.

3. Zoom

There’s almost no need for me to explain why this feature needed to be here. We’ve all had those unavoidably congested slides with a little too much information for the eyes to grasp. God forbid we miss something & we’ll be hearing from our boss after the meeting. So we put in all the details & then struggle to show the people in the room what’s worth taking a note. The zoom feature lets you focus/zoom in on details that need attention.

4. Digital Laser

No, it’s not just because our mothers always told us not to play with lasers. It’s because you don’t want to be pointing a bright, shiny, possibly dangerous laser into the eyes of your boss or clients who just happened to be sitting in the line of sight while you waved your arms around. Eli comes with a digital laser pointer that keeps you away from the bright red light & safely within the realm of a digital positioning system that tracks the position of your hand.

5. Markup or Draw

Circle out what needs to be reinforced, draw funny diagrams to liven up the room or create a work of art atop your PowerPoint slide as your present. Having the ability to markup or draw on slides give you the power to shift the perspective of viewers by a great deal & gets them noticing what you want.

Please excuse my lack of artistic skill.

6. Quick Search

You’re in the middle of giving a scintillating monologue about your marketing success in the previous quarter & suddenly Sarah from HR wants to know what CTR is… As if she even cares. Well, sometimes these questions can come from people who need to know & must know. All you need do then is to pull a quick internet search of the word or phrase in question. In this case, that would be Click Through Rate, a ratio showing how often people seeing your ad click it.

7. Gestures

Well, we told you we were improving interactions & here’s how. Eli is gesture-based. Meaning you can move your slide ahead, go back a slide, close the presentation, play videos & so much more just by swiping your wrist slightly to the left or right. No clicking buttons that are hard to find or scrambling to find the side arrow key on your laptop.

And this is just the start folks. Eli will be rolling out with custom integrations tailored to Edtech, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, IoT, Gaming & so much more. Stay tuned to our blog & website to know what’s coming.

You can also book your Eli today & get your Eli at 50% off when it hits the shelf.

