Getting Started With Kai [Beta]

Step by step guide on how to get started with your Kai.

Vignesh Sankar
5 min readMar 7, 2019


Step 1: Download Kai Updater App

The Kai Updater App is used to update your Kai and Dongle Firmware

Download Kai Updater App

Step 2: Download Kai Control Center (KCC)

Kai Control Center (KCC) app is your dashboard for Kai. It lets you customize Kai to work with all applications in your Computer/Laptop. Define which gesture will perform what action. KCC also lets you create profiles for different applications on your Laptop/Computer

Download Kai Control Center

Step 3: Update Kai

Updating Kai to the latest firmware version

  • Make sure the Kai has sufficient charge. Charge for 10–15 mins before starting the update.
  • Please make sure the dongle is disconnected.
  • Launch the Kai Updater App on your Smartphone/Tablet.
  • Turn On BOTH Bluetooth and Location on your Smartphone/Tablet.
  • Make sure the internet is working on your Smartphone/Tablet.
  • Press and Hold the Power Button (Placed below the logo) on your Kai for 5–7 secs and release to put Kai in DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode. The Kai LED should turn Red. Try again if it doesn’t work in the first attempt.
  • Click Continue on your Kai Updater App to start updating the Kai.
Click Continue to start updating
  • Wait for the progress bar to fill. The process usually takes 30–45 secs.

NOTE: Once the Kai is in DFU Mode, it’ll only stay in the mode for 20 secs. So if the Kai gets out of DFU mode in between the update process, put the Kai in DFU mode again and start over.

  • Once the progress bar is filled, the App will automatically switch to the next screen indicating that the update was successful.

Step 4: Update Dongle

Dongle is the white USB device you get along with the Kai. The dongle lets you connect Kai with your Computer/Laptop.

  • Make sure the dongle is disconnected from your computer.
  • Keep your Kai turned on and make sure the Kai LED is Blinking Blue
  • Connect the dongle to your Computer/Laptop’s USB Port.
  • Continue to the next step in your Kai Updater App.
  • Make sure BOTH Bluetooth and Location is enabled on your Smartphone/Tablet.
  • Make sure the internet is working on your Smartphone/Tablet.
  • Turn on your Kai Control Center on your Computer/Laptop and wait for it to initialize and install updates.
  • Click on Enable Dongle DFU option on the bottom left corner of Kai Control Center on your Computer/Laptop screen. The Dongle becomes Red, indicating it’s in DFU Mode. (Try again from the starting of Step 4 if you face any issue)
Kai Control Center
  • Press Continue on your Kai Updater Mobile/Tablet App.
  • Wait for the progress bar to fill. The process usually takes 30–45 secs.

NOTE: Once the Dongle is in DFU Mode, it’ll only stay in the mode for 20 secs. So if the Dongle gets out of DFU mode in between the update process, remove and reinsert the dongle and click on Enable DFU Mode for Dongle and start over.

  • Once the progress bar is filled, the App will automatically switch to the next screen indicating that the update was successful.

Step 5: Kai Connection

Connecting the Kai to the Computer/Laptop

  • Disconnect and then Reconnect the dongle.
Disconnect and Reconnect the Dongle
  • Turn the Kai On. The Kai LED should turn Green to indicate a successful connection.
  • Proceed to the next step in the Kai Control Center
Kai Control Center

Step 5: Kai Calibration

Tuning the Kai to work best with your hand!

  • Proceed to the IMU Calibration step in the Control Center App
Calibration Part 1: Kai IMU Calibration
  • Press the Kai upside down on a flat surface to perform IMU calibration.
Place Kai in a flat surface while calibrating IMU
  • Press the Start Button on the Control Center
  • The IMU Calibration will take 10 secs and the Kai will vibrate once its calibrated
  • Next step is to calibrate Kai’s finger sensors. Wear the Kai in one of your hands and choose which hand you want to calibrate your Kai for. (Make sure the hand you are wearing the Kai on and the hand you choose to calibrate are the same)
Calibration Part 2: Kai Finger Calibration
  • Close and open the fingers one by one starting from your Pinky Finger to your Index finger.
Kai Finger Calibration
  • The Kai will vibrate to indicate the calibration process is over.
  • Try closing your fingers one by one and test if the calibration is working well.
Testing the calibration
  • Follow the videos and perform the gestures shown to become familiar with the gestures.
  • Select the applications you want to create profiles for.

Congrats you reached the end of Onboarding. Have a great experience using your Kai 🎉 🎉

Setting actions to Kai’s gestures

  • Click assign on any gesture you want to you customize
  • Press Record
  • Press Keyboard and Mouse keys and they’ll be recorded.
  • Click Save and assign the gesture a name.

Now whenever you perform that gesture, Kai will repeat the keyboard and mouse click sequence you recorded to the gesture

You can also switch off macro (option on the right side) and simply enter a keyboard shortcut in the text box provided.

Creating Profiles for Applications

  • You can add applications to the control center from the application drawer which can be found in the top left corner of the home screen.
  • You can customize the same 8 gestures to perform different actions only on these applications.
  • Once added, the universal gestures would no longer work in these applications.

If you are facing any issues, drop us a mail at and we’ll revert back to you soon.

