Kai Gesture Controller: “The force” can now be with you!

Anupama Nair
Published in
8 min readMar 9, 2019

“May the force be with you”, we’ve heard people say it, we have said it ourselves and now it’s time to experience it. Introducing, the KAI.

What is the KAI?

Let’s keep the start of this simple shall we? The KAI is a gesture-control wearable device. That is, you can use mere gestures and actions to control the gadget empire that you have built around yourself. The KAI is to be worn on the palm of your hand and can recognize simple hand gestures and convert them into commands that your Laptops, AR VR Headsets, Smart TV ’s or even your RC Devices can understand.

Your KAI can help you perform commonly used actions much faster by taking in gesture inputs as opposed to clicks.

Why the world needs the KAI?

The hero the world deserves, also the one it needs.

The world of electronics today consists of several devices that are capable of controlling and manipulating the actions of other devices. Let’s take the most common example, the (friendly neighbourhood) mouse. Everyone who owns a computer and spends all their time working on it also owns a mouse. It’s just that common a device. But is it the best out there? Not really. If you work on your computer throughout the day, you’re going through an average of 5,000 clicks in a day. And because this movement is anything but natural, you could be working slower and may even develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These standard devices also deprive you of being able to interact with your games or creatives in an intuitive and realistic manner. So here’s our solution. The KAI. A device that works on hand gestures, gestures that you have been using to communicate since you were a little baby and words were not your forte. By recognizing gestures, KAI allows you to work faster and subsequently improve your performance by changing the way you interact with your work or even your games. When playing a game, using gestures means enjoying a more realistic gameplay that you wouldn’t receive from merely clicking buttons.

The Journey of KAI

The KAI is a swanky, elegant band at this point. But there was a long journey that leads up to now. A journey that started from a kitchen glove. The very first prototype of KAI was made from a kitchen glove and some intricately laid out circuits. This nascent version of KAI was used to control a presentation on the KAI itself during a conference. As the team behind KAI grew, so did the KAI.

What the KAI has evolved into.

The journey has been long and we have now reached a place where KAI is exactly what we always dreamed it to be. The KAI possesses all the features and characteristics that we aimed at.

It allows you to interact with your digital world in a natural and more seamless manner. This brings along a host of benefits that would be best felt by experiencing it. The KAI focuses on making your interactions better by enabling you to communicate using natural gestures rather than forced clicks or gestures that are tethered to a physical track-pad. With less than ten milliseconds latency, the KAI also ensures that your gestures are quickly picked up and acted upon so your experience is undisputedly perfect.

The KAI also ensures that you are not limited by space or angles by allowing you to control devices from anywhere within a 20-meter radius.

Features at a Glance

  • High precision:
    The KAI is sensitive enough to pick up changes as small at 1mm. This allows you to perform extremely precise actions within the application of your choice.
  • Low latency:
    KAI lets you experience a truly incomparable control by reducing latency to less than 10 milliseconds while your average wireless mouse can lag up to 16ms.
  • Unbeatable battery life:
    We know that battery life is the most important feature to everyone, so we’ve ensured that the KAI lives up to your expectations. The KAI can get you through the day easily with up to 8 hours of battery life.
  • Haptic feedback:
    The KAI has programmable haptic feedback that keeps you informed when actions are executed, through small but significant vibrations.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy:
    By being Bluetooth 5.0 compatible, the KAI opens up a world of possibilities for you to pair and control your devices.
  • Developer SDK:
    KAI’s developer kit allows you to program and integrate your KAI with a wide range of devices & programs. Use the KAI the way you like.
  • Contactless finger Tracking:
    The KAI has been created mindfully & so, can track your finger movements within the device itself, without any contact.

What the KAI can do!

Jack-of-all-trades and master too

When we say that the KAI can do anything you’d like it to do, we aren’t kidding. The KAI comes with a control centre that you can use to customize your gestures and actions based on the application you would use the KAI with the most. A lot of thought has gone into making the control centre and we’ve made sure that it lets you customize your experience with Kai to the fullest. When you switch applications that are integrated with the KAI, it recognizes this change and begins to take actions based on that particular application. So you may use the same gesture to take different actions for different applications.

But that isn’t the end of its capabilities. The KAI also comes with a developer SDK that allows it’s users to customize their KAI in a truly personalized manner. Transform it to suit any application you’d like and set the gestures to mean something that you’d need more than ever. Moreover, use the SDK to create custom integrations with anything that works with Bluetooth. We are talking about AR VR headsets, Drones, Remote Control Cars, Micro Controllers, Smart TV’s, IoT and even Home Automation Systems.

The possibilities with your KAI are endless. Here are some of the things you can do with Kai!


Virtual Reality aims at creating a digital world around you that you can manipulate and interact within a seemingly realistic setting. This experience is augmented by using the KAI. Throw away your generic controllers and adopt the KAI that lets you interact with you VR scene the way you would interact with real-life objects. VR games would be a whole lot better if you had your hands freed up from bulky controllers that restrict your movement. In addition, the subtle yet significant haptic feedback accentuates your experience.

3D Designing

When you’re using 3D design software like Sketchup or CAD, to create three-dimensional objects, you have to leave a whole lot to your imagination as you can only interact with these objects using controllers that work in the 2-dimensional realm. A mouse can let you manipulate your 3D objects but the KAI allows you to truly experience the depth of your creations by letting you interact with it in three dimensions, just as you would if it were in your hands.


Gaming is something that needs no introductions what-so-ever. But now you can reimagine gaming with the KAI. Imagine playing shooting games and having to simply make a handgun gesture to shoot. You could program your KAI to work with action or shooting games & relive carry out point & shoot actions with gestures, say making a gun gesture with your hand, just like when you were a kid. And with the haptic feedback, you wouldn’t just be playing the game, you would be experiencing it.

Hardware Control

The remote control will be a thing of the past when you experience controlling you RC cars or even your drone with the KAI. You can forget those bulky drone controllers and move-on and ahead to the KAI. Imagine how much smoother your drone video-shoots would go with the KAI on your palm. May the force be with you & allow you to wow everyone.


Now’s the time for you to look like Harry Potter and blow-away your audience or investors. Making presentations attractive has become harder over the years with several new tools helping you make interactive presentations. What sets you apart from the rest? The KAI. Control your presentations using natural movements and wow the audience with your sleight of hand.

Home Automation

Your television set and your lighting have gotten smarter. But your remotes and switches have remained unchanged, unwavering. Pick up a KAI and control the smart gadgets around your home right from the palm of your hand. Since the KAI is comfortable to wear in your palm, you will barely notice its presence and find it easier to live in the IoT you call your home.

KAI’s Developer SDK

Magic in the hands of a code-wizards

Now that we’ve taken you across what we’ve done so far, let’s talk about what you could do with your KAI and its developer SDK.

You can build your KAI to work any way you like and on any application or gadget of your choice. You can also share your custom build with other KAI users on our developer platform. The possibilities are virtually endless.

50% OFF, Just for you!

Blessed are those who read.

Since you have taken out precious minutes from your busy schedule and you’ve managed to get to this point in the article, you get to grab a KAI for yourself at 50% off. Click Here to avail the special discount.

