What Is The Real-Time Location System (RTLS), And What Can It Do For Businesses?

Joseph Saga
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2023

Real-Time Location System (RTLS) is a technology that has been gaining traction in the business world recently. With its ability to provide real-time information on the location of people and assets, RTLS can improve safety, increase efficiency, and reduce costs for businesses. In this article, we’ll cover what RTLS is and how it can be used by businesses to their advantage.

The Current Uses of RTLS

RFID technology has been around for a long time, but only recently has it become affordable for businesses to track assets in real time. Real-time location systems (RTLS) use RFID tags to track the location of people or objects in real time. RTLS can be used for a variety of applications, including inventory management, asset tracking, and safety and security.

Inventory management: RTLS can be used to track inventory in real time, so businesses know exactly what they have on hand at all times. This can help businesses keep track of their stock levels and avoid overstocking or running out of items.

Asset tracking: RTLS can also be used to track high-value assets such as equipment, tools, and vehicles. This can help businesses keep track of their assets and prevent them from being lost or stolen.

Safety and security: RTLS can be used to monitor the whereabouts of employees or visitors in a facility. This information can be used to improve safety and security by ensuring that people are where they are supposed to be and that they are not entering restricted areas.

Benefits of RTLS

The Real-Time Location System (RTLS) is a technology that helps businesses track and manage the location of assets in real time. The benefits of RTLS are many and varied, but some of the most significant include:

1. Increased efficiency and productivity: By tracking the location of assets in real time, businesses can more easily and quickly locate them when they are needed. This can save a lot of time and increase efficiency and productivity.

2. Improved safety and security: RTLS can help businesses keep track of high-value assets, such as equipment or inventory, and ensure that they are secure. It can also be used to monitor employee safety, by providing real-time information on their whereabouts.

3. Reduced costs: By tracking assets in real time, businesses can avoid costly mistakes, such as losing or misplacing important items. In addition, RTLS can help businesses save money on things like inventory management and security systems.

4. Enhanced customer service: RTLS can be used to provide customers with up-to-date information on the location of their order or product. This can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Greater insights into business operations: RTLS provides businesses with valuable data that can be used to improve decision making and optimize operations.

Are RTLS & GPS the same? Is one better than the other?

There are a number of different technologies that can be used for Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS), but the two most common are GPS and RFID. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the differences before choosing a technology for your business.

GPS is the most accurate technology available for RTLS, but it requires a clear line of sight to satellites in order to work properly. This can be a problem in indoor or urban environments, where buildings or other obstructions can block satellite signals. GPS also requires more power than other RTLS technologies, which can make it less practical for some applications.

RFID is less accurate than GPS, but it doesn’t require a line of sight to work. This makes it much more practical for use in indoor or urban environments. RFID tags also don’t require as much power as GPS units, which makes them more suitable for use in battery-powered devices.

How Does RTLS Work?

The Real-Time Location System (RTLS) is a network of devices used to track and manage assets in real time. RTLS uses a combination of hardware and software to track and manage assets, including people, vehicles, inventory, and equipment. The system can be used in a variety of settings, including manufacturing plants, warehouses, hospitals, office buildings, and retail stores.

RTLS typically consists of three components: tags, readers, and software. Tags are attached to assets and emit signals that are picked up by readers. Readers are networked devices that receive signals from tags and relay information to the software application. The software application processes information from the readers and provides users with real-time data on the location of assets.

RTLS can be used for a variety of applications, including asset tracking, people tracking, security, and safety. Asset tracking applications use RTLS to track the location of inventory in real time. This information can be used to optimize stock levels, reduce losses due to theft or damage, and improve customer service by reducing wait times for out-of-stock items. People tracking applications use RTLS to track the location of employees or visitors in real time. This information can be used to improve security or help individuals find their way around large facilities. Safety applications use RTLS to monitor conditions in hazardous environments or track the location of people during emergencies.

RTLS offers many benefits for businesses, including improved asset utilization, reduced losses due to theft

Why Use An RTLS System in the Workplace?

An RTLS system can be used in the workplace to track the location of employees, equipment, and other assets in real time. This information can be used to improve efficiency and safety, and to monitor compliance with safety and security protocols.

An RTLS system can help businesses to:

-Monitor employee productivity and compliance with safety protocols

-Locate and track assets in real time

-Improve communication between employees and managers

-Reduce response times to incidents

-Enhance security

Implementation Options for Businesses

The Real-Time Location System (RTLS) is a technology that uses wireless devices to track and manage the location of people or objects in real time. RTLS can be used in a variety of business applications, such as inventory management, security and safety, asset tracking, and facility management.

There are several different types of RTLS systems available on the market today. The most common type of system uses radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and readers. Other types of systems use WiFi, Bluetooth, ultra-wideband (UWB), or infrared (IR) technologies.

RFID-based RTLS systems use tags that emit radio signals that are picked up by receivers called readers. Readers can be fixed or mobile, and they are typically connected to a computer network. This type of system is often used for inventory management and security applications.

WiFi-based RTLS systems use 802.11 wireless networks to track the location of devices equipped with special WiFi tags. These tags send out periodic beacon signals that are picked up by access points connected to the network. This type of system is often used for asset tracking and facility management applications.

Bluetooth-based RTLS systems use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to track the location of devices equipped with special Bluetooth tags. BLE tags transmit periodic advertising packets that are picked up by receivers called beacons. This type of system is often used for asset tracking and facility management applications.

Best Applications for a Real-time Location System

The Real-Time Location System (RTLS) is a versatile technology that can be used in a variety of business applications. Here are some of the best ways to use RTLS to improve your business operations:

1. Asset tracking: RTLS can be used to track the location of high-value assets, such as equipment and machinery. This information can be used to optimize asset utilization, prevent theft, and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

2. Inventory management: RTLS can be used to automate inventory management tasks, such as stock replenishment and cycle counting. This information can help reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that products are always available when needed.

3. Personnel tracking: RTLS can be used to track the location of personnel in real-time. This information can be used to optimize staffing levels, improve employee safety, and comply with regulatory requirements.

4. Facility management: RTLS can be used to track the usage of facilities and resources, such as meeting rooms and parking spaces. This information can help improve resource utilization and support decision-making for facility planning and operations.

Real-time location systems (RTLS) offer businesses a unique opportunity to optimize their operations and increase productivity. By tracking the locations of people, items, or assets in real-time within a facility, RTLS can provide valuable insights into how work is being done and help identify areas of improvement. With this powerful technology, businesses have the potential to save time and money while increasing safety and efficiency overall.

