Games I Played in 2016 (GotY List??? idk)

Victor J
Vicas Likes Games
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2016

A lot of people I know do these personal Games of the Year articles, where they give a top 10 list and talk about all the games they liked and whatnot. I’ve never been a huge fan of ranked lists, but I do love rambling about games, so I figured this year I’d talk about games I played and things I found interesting about them.

In fact, I love it so much that I originally started writing this as a single article and very quickly realized that I could easily do entire articles on most of these games. So, in the interest of not boring you to death all at once I’ve decided to make this a series of articles with thoughts about games I played in 2016, however long or short that ends up being for each game.

Rules are pretty simple: Games I played in 2016, regardless of their original release date. It won’t be a comprehensive list, just every game I feel like talking about, and it won’t be in any particular order. This is probably going to get pretty rambly, so feel free to tap out at any time.

I’ll put up the first one later today and the rest as I finish and edit them. It’ll be a fun time, probably.

