The Best! Story That Was Never Told

Bj The Butterfly
Vices Into Virtues
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018

Ok so this might be a surprise to you; and I know you were way to busy stalking your ex’s facebook page to know this. But did you know that OVER 28% of the world’s population is REALLY trying to google “how to live your BEST LIFE”. Isn’t that Insane?? But WAIT! there’s more. Did you know over 41% of the planet’s population is googling “how to change the world 4 good”. Now, I don’t know about you, but to me this is BONKERS and here’s why.

The Truth

So, in a world now where Money is KING and Drama is QUEEN; I didn’t think that many people still cared about Making This World A “Better Place”. I thought for sure this world was DONE and we were ALL going to Hell in a hand-basket; but luckily I was wrong.

So was that it

Now, if your thinking was that your story? You just want to share a crazy statistics with me. And my answer to you would be ABSOLUTELY! no. The real story is this; Now Imagine just for a second yourself living in your Dream City. Ok did you Really do it!? Because if you didn’t your going to feel terrible later.. Alright so now that you are living in your dream cities “Imagine” what you and your dream mate are having sex on and what position he or she has you in :). No REALLY Do it! it gets better.

The Good PArt

Ok so i’m guessing you just had the best sex of your life; Now, that your done with that; I need you to put down that cigarette and tell me how you will achieve this “Story”. I’ll give you a second; any answers?? NO! ok Don’t Worry if you couldn’t think of any way to achieve this dream story; i’ll be a good friend and tell you the 1st answer. Although I already gave it to you; i’ll say it again just for you. To achieve any sort of dream; you MUST “Imagine” it 1st. There is no way around it; if your searching to live your “Best Life” you must “Imagine” it first.

Now Let’s Make A Deal

Now if you’ve made it this far; It’s obvious you are interested in making this fairytale story come true.

So if your interested in living the same “OLE LIFE” this blog is not for you. Or if your fine with Feeling “POWERLESS” this blog is not for you. Or your just really not into making the planet a better place; this blog IS NOT 4 U!

So, if you decided I don’t wanna be none of these people; follow this blog and I “PROMISE” you; you will become a different person after EVERY blog post I drop :).


Your Best Friend Bj The Butterfly

