Applied Gita

Sowmya Gopal
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
2 min readAug 3, 2019

Making the Truth your own!

From September 2019 — June 2020 we will work to slow and stop our addiction to complacency (shastra vasana). Our experimental year will be focused on ‘Applying Gita — Inner Transformation through Application.’

Schedule : Thursdays, commencing on September 12th 2019
7:45 pm — 8:00 pm EST — Discussion (Optional)
Study Groups can start earlier @7:30 pm if they choose to.
8:00 pm — 9:00 pm — Discourse by Vivekji.

Class Details

— Class commencing September 12, 2019
— a group study for a minimum of 3 students
— registration will close after the first 40 Study Groups sign up


Update March 2020
Class is open to all — please email us for Zoom Code.



In order to be part of this course, you need to be a group of at least 3 members. Once you have the 3 members, kindly submit your registration in the form below (please scroll down).

Course Disciplines

  • Groups who have been given permission by their local Center can be part of our Course
  • Any Group who had registered for the Atma Bodha Course must have attended 80% of Classes (~ 24 of 30) to be part of our Course
  • Groups need a minimum 3 students to be part of our Course — — anyone high school aged and older can be part of a Group
  • Groups need to have their audio and video working and on — — everyone seeing everyone is inspiring and creates a sense of equality
  • Pets, laptops, tablets, phones, eating, any potential distraction will not be accepted — — to engage in a subjective science demands a higher dimension of focus
  • The only connection to the Class should be through our Coordinator/me via Zoom — — alternative connections are lower in quality and lower the incentive to attend the class live
  • The only condition for which a Class can be recorded is if the student does so while present in Class and does not share this with anyone — — to study a subjective science, context is important and shared recordings does not account for this
  • If a student misses a Class, the content is still in the text — — request other students to make notes for you
  • An online form will be created whereby Groups can submit their questions and when/why they will be absent — — receiving personal emails about the same is too demanding for Vivekji.
  • 2 Coordinators are required for each Group — — the Coordinators are not be family members
  • Coordinators discuss these disciplines with your Group — — clarity creates conviction and conviction creates confidence

