Art of Dying

Community Call with Acharya

Sowmya Gopal
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
1 min readFeb 17, 2017


Acharya Vivek shared:

King Pariksita in Bhagavatam asks guru Sukadev ji “I know i am going to die — what should i do ?”

Sukadev ji answers

  1. Jitah Asana — controlled(disciplined) posture .. meaning Calm body ; a body that is healthy and toughened
  2. Jitah Svasah — disciplined breath…meaning physiology should be natural; watch what we eat ..natural foods will lead to natural physiology
  3. Jitah Asangah — disciplined disassociation…be mindful of people who are a bad influence on you ; spend time with oneself — alone.Quieten the mind.
  4. Jitah Indriyah — disciplined senses — we use senses to find completion; seeking completion is a function of the intellect; “Still the intellect” by being content — focus on what you have — not on what you don’t .

This Calm body, Quite mind and Still intellect will enable us to reach Silence. Thus by living a responsible and full life — we can age gracefully and die courageously .

Are we living a responsible and full life ???

