Bhagavad Gita Course: Chapter 10 (Conclusion)

Class Notes | January 23, 2018

Madhu Soni
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
9 min readJan 30, 2018


Notes by Madhu Soni

Ramayana is the path, the steps of Bhagwan Ram.

Ramayana can also be understood as the path to Rama, to revel, to be independently joyous; a subtle, almost secret teaching of Ramayana.

Bhagwan Rama reveals himself to those he chooses. He enlightens those to whom he wishes to enlighten.

For all of us who are engaged in sadhu, we practice our japa, our dyana. We feel good about this, that our mind is becoming more pure and we are more balanced.

Where did that thought come from? Who put that thought in your mind to engage in japa? Who lets go of those thoughts when you are engaged in contemplation?

As sadhikas, as seekers, it may be difficult initially to accept that even our own sadhana is facilitated by Bhagwan. This is a lesson, a thought, that has to be accepted and absorbed. At a very tactile level, our involvement in this BGC is part of Bhagwan’s leela. The more we understand and appreciate this, the more we let go of the illusion of control. Let go of the ego.

When I start to concentrate on something, I start to ask how and why is it working. I then start to concentrate on, Who am I? What is my potential?

When I am able to grasp vibhooti, deeper than vibhooti is yoga; deeper than yoga is tatvam. From outside to inside.

Evolve from Shristi (creation) to Shakt (the Creator), to Shiva (Consciousness).

Get to consciousness by concentrating on creation. Therefore, being distracted is dangerous as it impedes happiness from realizing one’s divine nature.

In this Chapter, Bhagwan is teaching Prince Arjuna not to take for granted what is happening outside; then we stop taking for granted what is happening inside.

Stop taking for granted your living, your life.

Swami Chinmayananda says an activity of the intellect is causation hunting. We should deepen that causation hunting from just creation and start to bring it to what is the basis for creation. Start to tune into the Creator.


From Chapter 7 to present. Bhagwan is slowly shifting the message from Prince Arjuna (Thwam) to Himself (Tat). Bhagwan is sharing that it is I who will show you who I am, shifting from “lift yourself by yourself”.

How to understand and appreciate the Creator? How to go from creation to the Creator? It is through the Creator’s Grace that one comes to understand and appreciate the Creator.

It is analogous to the sunlight being the grace of the sun. Similarly, it is through the Creator’s Grace that we come to be drawn to the Creator.

Mahamantra for self-development: Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram:

The meaning of any Ram mantra is Ram, joy.

Sraddha (e.g. with faith in chanting a mantra) can lead to Moksha.

Q: How am I supposed to know the Creator?

A: If you want to know the Creator, it is only through the Creator’s Grace.

If Bhagwan wants to reveal Himself to you, it is His choice. We should engage in sraddha. Har Har Mahadev.

Sloka 10 of Chapter 10: Those who are sincere are engaged in bhaja –seek, sing, serve, love, worship, being and doing it with love. To them, Bhagwan is giving Buddhi Yoga, teaching them to see what they can’t see right now. They come back from creation to the Creator. They are sincere with living for Bhagwan. This is exactly what Acharya Shankara told his most capable disciples.

The first sadhana in sadhana panchakam is to reflect on the breath and words of God.

Do you want creation or the Creator? Do you work for creation or for the Creator?

Do you pray for creation or for the Creator?

If we know Bhagwan is our Boss, we know we have to work hard all the time because our work is not just with our family or with ourselves.

If we want the Creator, the Creator will reveal him/herself.

Prince Arjuna eventually wanted the Creator after getting over the selfishness and escapism described in Chapters 1–6. He is no longer interested in himself, but in Bhagwan. He is evolving and no longer taking Bhagwan for granted.

Slokas 12–18, longest stretch of uninterrupted narration by Prince Arjuna describing and praising Bhagwan Krishna.

Nobody knows life more than Bhagwan Krishna, and now Prince Arjuna.

Shruti is the most abstract; it requires a lot of engagement.

Smriti is pseudo-abstract; not a lot of do’s and dont’s, but still have to work hard.

A practice we’ve studied so far: Don’t waste time. Wasting time translates into being more interested in creation than the Creator.

Prince Arjuna asks Bhagwan to show him the Truth, show him who He is and what He can do.

Bhagwan answers in a large-hearted way with numerous (~80) examples of why he is the greatest of the great, greatest of all time. Here are 8 out of the 80 examples that Bhagwan shares:

Shastra — scripture; of all of the forms of communication, Bhagwan is dialogue

Sambada– dialogue between the Guru and the shisha

Of all knowledges, Bhagwan is Adyat, Self-Knowledge, the Knowledge of Happiness.

Atma bodha = Ananda bodha

Sadhu — Deva rishi naam, of all the rishis, Bhagwan is Naradji, tireless. Naradji is tireless in talking about Narayana. Be tireless.

Muni naam. Of all the munis, Bhagwan is Vyasa, Veda Vyasa, a visionary, or editor.

Muni is someone engaged in mananam, and can thus become a visionary.

Sadhana — practices. Bhagwan says out of the dhamayatha, out of punishments or forms of rehabilitation, He is danda, a stick. The idea is when we do that which is wrong and engage in adharma, Bhagwan will make us feel that we have done something wrong, that we need to do better and show dharma. That shows His love.

When someone gives you constructive criticism, it’s because they care about you.

Out of all forms of control or discipline, Bhagwan is Yamaha, which means death.

Lots to learn from it. For example, what can put someone in their place is a near death experience; or what can make someone appreciate the person they care for is if they know they have a terminal illness.

Sadhaka indriyana — out of all of the senses, Bhawan is the mind, the Boss of the senses. When the mind is sleeping, so are the senses.

Bhutana — out of all beings, Bhagwan is Buddhi, implies human.

Out of all beings, the ones that can get enlightened are humans with a capable buddhi.

Sloka 40 — Bhagwan explains that there is no end to His Divinity, to His vibhootis. He has shared a sampling of His potential. So, think about your potential.

Sri Bhagvatam has 12 Cantos, 18,000 verses. The whole Shastra is Canto 10, with the first 9 in preparation, about Bhagwan Krishna.

Sri Bhagvatam explains that there are actually infinite avataras and included in that is you.

Fulfillment of what we have studied so for is for each to feel that you are an avatara of Bhagwan.


Chapter 7 — Know the Divine

Chapter 8 — Remember the Divine

Chapter 9 — Feel the Divine

Chapter 10- See the Divine; seeing is believing

RAW for upcoming week: Try to count out all 80 of these vibhootis and document the examples. Begin with sloka 20–39.

Next week’s plan is to start and finish Chapter 11.

Hari Om!


Bhagvat Gita Class Notes | Date: Jan 23, 2018

Kamini Vasudev, CM London, ON, Canada

General Class Notes (Chapter 10)

  • We need to go deeper from Srishti to Shiva, from manifestation (vibhuti) to Tattva (cause). God is teaching us not to take for granted what is happening outside us; this will help us appreciate better what is happening inside us.
  • Lord reveals himself only to those that He wishes to. It is only through the grace of the creator that one gets to appreciate the creation and the creator behind it.
  • Think daily- Am I aspiring for the creator or the creation. Being more interested in the creation is a waste of time. Don’t waste time.
  • There is no end to God’s divinity, he only gave a sample of His potential in chapter 10. He is infinite and so are we.


BGC Class Notes | Date: 01/23/2018

Name/ Center/ Group: Kapil Verma, Buffalo, New York

General Class Notes

  • Evolving in focus from creation to the creator was the central theme of today’s class
  • Ramayana is steps of Rama, also the steps to get to Rama. Subtle teaching of Ramayana — Bhagwan Rama choose to reveal himself to the worthy seekers.. As seekers it’s difficult for us to accept that even our own sadhana is facilitated by Bhagwan
  • All of us being part of this course is bhagwan’s leela too, the more we understand, we let go of the illusion of control (ego)

Chapter (10)

  • Shloka 5/6:
  • Technique of knowing outside so we start to know inside — who am I. One should strive to go from Shristi(creation) to Shakti (creator) to Shiva(consciousness). Don’t take for granted what’s happening outside
  • Activity of intellect is causation hunting. Start to tune into creator from creation. Shifting the focus to God. It’s through creator’s grace that one appreciates the grace of creator. E.g. Shabri was a tribal, was not literate, but she has attraction to self-development by God’s grace. Rishi gives her mantra- Shree Ram jai Ram jai jai Ram. Shabri ji had supreme shraddha so that she will wait and prepare every day for God without getting dejected. Bhagwan eventually came and granted moksha to her

Other examples — Mareechi, Jatayu

  • Shloka 10:

Those who are sincere, engaged in bhajan (worship, singing etc.) with love, Bhagwan bestows them with buddhi, so they are able to evolve from creation to creator. They are sincere in living for Bhagwaan

  • Shloka 12–18:
  • Do you want creator or creation? Stretch of uninterrupted shloka where Arjuna praises lord. Arjuna has evolved now to focus on bhagwan
  • Shruti (Upanishad) is most abstract , Smriti (Geeta) is less abstract, Purana is least abstract
  • Shloka 20–39:
  • Bhagwan gives 80 examples of why he is the greatest of all
  • 8 of 80 examples –

Shasta — Bhagwaan says of dialog I am Vaada, I am adhyatm of all knowledge

Sadhu — Of all rishis, I am Naradaji, of all munis I am Vyaasa

Saadhana — I am danda of all forms of discipline, I am Yama

Sadhaka — of all indriya I am the mind, of all beings I am human with a capable buddhi

  • Shloka 40 — chapter completes — there is no end to my vibhutis. This is sembling of my potential
  • Learning — Practice- don’t waste time. Us wasting time signifies we r more interested in creation than creator
  • Progression from chapters 7-> 10: Know (chapter 7) the divine, Remember(chapter 8) the divine, Feel(chapter 9) the divine and See(chapter 10) the divine

Discussion Topic / Discussion Question/ Reflection Question

  • No discussion or question answer session tonight’s class

RAW — document the / count out the 80 vibhuttis u see around.. (from shloka 20 to 39)


Bhagavad Geeta Class Notes | Date: Jan. 23, 2018

Kalpesh Desai, Chinmaya Niagara, Lewiston, NY, USA

General Class Notes

Raamayana is the path or steps to Lord Raama (to revel)

A secretive teaching of Raamayana is….. Bhagawan Raama chooses to enlighten those who He wishes to enlighten. Our own Sadhana (Japa, Puja, reflections, etc.) is all happening because of Lord Raama choosing us.

Chapter 10 tells us to concentrate on the outside, so that we can concentrate on the inside of us. Being distracted is dangerous, because it impedes us from knowing our true nature — the Self.

Stop taking for granted the outside.

What is the basis for creation?-à it is the Creator

Chapter 10, Verse 5 and 6

God says “I will show you who I am.” It is through the Creator’s grace that you will come to know the Creator, so surrender to God! Worship Him! Do everything in life for Him!

“Shree Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram”

Chapter 10, Verse 10

Those who are sincere (meaning they are engaged in worship; meaning they are experiencing the state of “Be”) and with love à they go to Bhagwaan.

Ask yourself, “Do you want creation or the Creator?”

What do you work for — — the creation? Or Creator?

Right Answer:

“God is my only and real boss!”-à a most profound Mahaavaakaya

In Sloka 12–18, Arjuna states the glories of God.

A practical teaching for Ch. 10 is…….Don’t waste time! Don’t live for creation, but for the Creator!

Eight examples of God’s greatness:

1] from the perspective of the Shastras (Scriptures) — in all forms of communication, God is dialogue.

2] of all knowledges, God is Self-knowledge [Happiness]

3] Sadhu-à God says, out of all, “I am tireless”

4] Sadhanaà out of punishments, God says “I am a stick” (when we do something wrong, God will make us feel that we did wrong)

5] out of all forms of control, God says “I am death”…..From a near death-experience, you learn that you control nothing; Only God controls all!

6] Sadhika -àout of all the senses, God says “I am the mind (the boss of the senses)”

7] out of all beings, God says “I am Buddhi (humans can get enlightened with right thinking as opposed to animals, who cannot)

Chapter 10 can be summed up as: — — — “See the Divine in Everything”


COUNT OUT ALL 80 Vibhutis in Chapter 10 that are mentioned (begins sloka 20 and ends on sloka 39) and document them in your day to day life.

