Call for Dakshina

Chinmaya Mission Niagara
2 min readOct 10, 2017

Vichara Gurukula is a platform for seekers to read, reflect, and contemplate, on their journey of Self Development. Through this as seekers, we have the Online Study Courses, Jnana Yajnas, E-Vicharas, Yatras, Mananam Series, and lots more through Acharya Vivek.

Exploring the impact of E-Vicharas

A couple of weeks from now we will celebrate the completion of 8 years of E-Vichara-s! 8 years of reflecting together!! 8 years of realizing together!!! In Vedantik tradition teachings are given freely. No price can be tagged to the guidance an Acharya offers to seekers to live more purposefully, to kids to try their best, to leaders with material for their classes, offices, etc. Still, filled with gratitude and fulfillment a student seeks to give back.

Growth of E-Vichara Subscribers

On June 22, 2009 the 1st E-Vichara was sent to 90 seekers. On October 16, 2017 the 307th E-Vichara will be sent to 4,154 seekers (not including Groups, Forums, etc.). If the subscribers, readers, students of the E-Vichara invest one hour in understanding/appreciating these diverse insights on Life and living, they are engaged in a Course on self-development…

If you feel this Course is worth $0.10 per lesson, please donate $31.
If you feel this Course is worth $0.50 per lesson, please donate $151.
If you feel this Course is worth $1.00 per lesson, please donate $301.

How to donate?

You can donate through the following methods:

1. Credit Card

Using the website Canada Helps for Chinmaya Mission Niagara.

2. Check

Please make out and mail to the following address:

Chinmaya Mission
5743 Valley Way
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Canada, L2E 1X7

Closing thoughts

Funds make the world go round. How? In the coming year ‘i’ need funds to publish books on self empowerment, ‘i’ need funds to build classrooms for self development, ‘i’ need funds to create programs for youth transitioning to adults. Your generosity will enable ‘me’ to publish, to build, to create.

