Endless Episodes

G Shanker
Chinmaya Mission Niagara


10, 20 or 30
Not sure how many
Evening is night
Night is day
Lost in time
Lost in space
Where am I

Me not in my body
Identified with one I see
She cries I cry
He laughs I laugh
Who am I

Netflix or Amazon
Or your favorite stream
You are caught
In endless episodes

Change your perspective
Why see in two dimensions
When you can see in many
Eyes, nose, ears, tongue or skin
Body in general
Or mind or intellect
Seven instead of one

Start from the beginning
Re-read it all
Notice the silent witness in both
Why be engrossed
When you can be immersed

Why see Stranger Things
When you are in things stranger
Why Black Mirror
When your mind is a mirror

Why watch an episode
When you are in one
Why Netflix when you can iFlix
The pun is deeper
When you get there

See the body
See the mind
And the intellect behind
They are in you
You are not in them
Be the witness
Of it all

The parallels are profound
Only if you can see them
See the screen in front
See the screen your mind
Both are projecting
When you distance yourself
But lose yourself
When you become them

Eyes see
But only an instrument
Its mind that sees
By intellect’s vision
Change your perspective
Its vision that sees
Rest are instruments

Don’t be afraid
You are still same
Be the actor
Be the role
Laugh or cry
Does it matter
It is just an episode*

Why limit to 10, 20 or 30
When each day is an episode
Why binge
When you can Be
Just endlessly!

Episodes end when Netflix stops
Episodes end when body drops

— — — — — — — — — — —

He, He and He
(Gurdev, Guruji, Our Acharya)
This, that and that
(My hands, my mind and yours)
To enable
Read, write and understand
The inert to One that pervades all
Hari Om.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapters 3, 4 & 5
*Where is your movie playing?

