Hold onto the Divine

Prashanti Gogineni
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
4 min readNov 22, 2018

Class notes | November 18, 2018

Is the purpose of Deepavali just having fun? Deepavali begins on Vijayadashami, the day when Ravana was defeated by Bhagavan Rama. Vijayadashami means “vishesha jayati”, not outside victory facilitated by anything outside of you, but a special victory which is facilitated by vijnana or wisdom of our inner self, when you feel lit or lighthearted, when you know it is about the fundamentals, not just about fun.

Last time we saw how Bhagavan Rama asks Mother Sita to go into the fire for two reasons — so that Maya Sita is burned and Mother Sita comes out and at the same time, all negativity and gossip of the people is contained. When Mother Sita, who is so pure, enters the fire, even prakriti changes. The nature of fire which is to burn feels like the cooling chandana on Mother Sita’s skin. Agni devata could not purify what was already so pure and sacred.

As the war comes to an end, Lord Brahma, Lord Indra, and Lord Shiva come to pay their respects to Bhagavan Rama. They sing stuthis in praise of Him.

  • Lord Brahma says that Bhagavan Rama is like the sun who appears like the sunshine, the Infinite who appears like a human. He asks Bhagavan Rama to help him show that the creation is not different from the Creator, to help him erase the separation between the two.
  • Lord Indra says that he thought no one was superior to him, but that Bhagavan Rama is indeed superior and asks Him what he could do for Him.
  • Lord Shiva says that anyone who bows to Bhagavan Rama, is relieved of his hardships. Bhagavan Rama, whose generosity cannot be concealed, is the mochana, one who steals from us our difficulties.

Ravana, after his death, is said to have gone to heaven where Raja Dhasharatha was, and told him of his son’s accomplishments. So even Raja Dhasharatha comes back in his celestial form to be with Bhagavan Rama and Sri Lakshmana at this victorious time. Then Bhagavan Rama asks Lord Indra to sprinkle the amrutha on all those who had fallen. All the bears, wolves and monkeys are revived, but not the rakshasas. The demons are already with Bhagavan Rama, as in their last moments, they were only thinking about Bhagavan Rama.

Bhagavan Rama then tells Hanuman-ji to go ahead to Ayodhya and tell Sri Bharata that He would be returning soon. There is but one day left to the completion of the 14-year exile. Lankeshwara begs Bhagavan Rama to take him along and take all of Lanka as well with Him. Bhagavan Rama tells Vibhishana that he can’t stay a day more as Sri Bharata is His breath and that He would suffocate if He didn’t see him. Instead, He asks Vibhishana to fill up the Pushpaka vimana with a lot of jewels and clothes and then from up in the sky, throw them down to all the beings. The monkeys and the bears wear the clothes and the jewels any which way and prance around, laughing in fun. Bhagavan Rama begins to laugh with them. This teaches us that our possessions, that we give so much importance to, are really just worthless in life.

As Bhagavan Rama is leaving, He tells all the monkeys and bears that Vibhishana has become Lankeshwara only because of them, and that the battle was won only because of them. And then He asks them to go home.

When Bhagwan Rama, Sri Lakshmana, and Mother Sita are flying back to Ayodhya in the Pushpaka vimana, Bhagavan Rama eagerly shows Mother Sita where Meghanada was killed, where Kumbhakarna was defeated, where they built a Shiva Linga and prayed for Her release, and other significant places that they went to while She was captive.

Bhagavan Rama was really excited, just as we are!

Vedanta: Tan Man Dhan Sab Tera — We sing this part of the Aarati week after week as we do not really follow it. Whereas Vibhishana offers all that he has to Bhagavan Rama with utmost sincerity. If one holds on to the Divine, it is easier to practice neti, what you are not. Vibhishana is an icon of one who holds on to Bhagavan. Bhagavan Rama asks the same of all the beings, when they are sad to hear that they have to go home. He assures them that whenever they remember Him, He will be with them. They go home and are never dependent on the physical form of Bhagavan Rama. They keep Him in their hearts, just as Hanuman-ji does. We too should just remember Bhagavan at all times.

And thus ends Lanka Kanda and next week we start Uttarakanda, which is associated with Dwaraka, its moksha dwara nagari as each canto can lead us to mukti.

Discussion Question — List out the confusions and controversies you have had about Ramayana and share what is clear now via e-mail to Vichara Gurukula.

CM Fairfield response -

Clarity — Bhagavan Rama killing Vali from behind a tree

Partial Confusion — Mother Sita being asked to walk through the fire

RAW for upcoming week: Get together as a Center and do a coordinated review of your Center’s assigned canto to prepare for the 5-minute presentation on Sunday, December 2.

