Manifesting Divinity

Week 6

Sowmya Gopal
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
2 min readSep 13, 2017


How do you know if you are being steady and sincere with sadhana?

“The compassion of the Guru is such that he leads us ever so gently through the tangled mesh of samsara that we are caught in, without our even being aware of it. By engaging us in activities that fascinate us, but quietly removing the selfish element in it, he releases us from compelling vasanas, traits of mind that ensnare us. Slowly, he gives us knowledge of higher things, and the mind lets go of its tight grip on material things. Life goes on as usual and we are not even conscious of the changes taking place deep within us, in the thought processes that impel us into activity.

Gradually, imperceptibly, the direction of our lives changes. Satsang transforms the environment, both physical and mental. There is greater peace and quiet, less of the turbulent agitations that rocked our minds and our relationships in the world. Quietly, ever so gently, the Guru sneaks away the toys that we held dear, without causing a trace of pain. As the mind begins to relax and revel in the new-found serenity, he reveals subtler realms of joy. Rising higher and higher, the mind learns to shed more of its baggage to soar in the weightless state of purity. Sustained by faith in the higher, the crippling anxieties and fears drop away.

Released from the narrow and painful clutches of bondage, one begins to shine with divine beauty and bliss. Immense gratitude and love for the Guru fills the heart and overflows. He smiles at the divine grace that flows on…”
~ Chinmaya Mission’s Tapovan Prasad Editorial for July 2017

