Meditation in Life: Chapter 26

Class notes | January 21, 2020

Nitya Bhagavatula
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
4 min readJan 26, 2020


Notes by Primary Writer, Nitya Bhagavatula


  • Rishi Sukha tells Parikshit that the purpose of birth that is the highest for humans is to remember Narayana or Truth at the time of death.
  • It is important to be steady and sincere in responsibilities, Bhakti is Jnana & Sankhya Yoga is where one knows where all creation is.
  • Be immersed in responsibilities and understand the Truth.
  • Satyam Param Dhimahi: Contemplate on the Absolute Truth

Review of Chapter 25

  • The last chapter talked about retraining the Mind. We work on and with the Mind.
  • When you are distracted, Pratyahara refers to that clarity and appreciation/ awareness of how distracted one is.
  • One needs to concentrate (Dharana) to work on the aforementioned distraction.
  • When there is clarity about who you are, there is conviction which leads to confidence that lasts a lifetime.
  • Dhyana refers to being focused in every facet! One must know that this is what you do.

Chapter 26: Keeping a Spiritual Diary

  • One should keep a Spiritual Diary for a minimum of three months but never more than six months.
  • Spiritual Guide = SG = Sadhguru. Your Sadhguru is you!
  • Take your antakarana and make it tactile.
  • It is as if it’s an antakarana (memory/mind & ego/intellect) suddhi (pure/ impure) chart.
  • Vivekji talked about how during the Vedanta Course, the mind was very malleable. The goal should be to make bringing the mind HIGHER the NORMAL. Eventually you let go and shouldn’t always need the chart.
  • Anecdote: Sri Ramakrishna asked Swami Vivekananda if he could see Goddess Kali. Swami Vivekananda said yes, and Sri Ramakrishna then asked him to cut Goddess Kali with a sword. The purpose was to show him that Devi Kali IS Swami Vivekananda. We must go from Saguna Brahma to Nirguna Brahma.
  • There are twenty practices referenced in the chapter, but Vivekji picked three key focuses for the Antakarana Suddhi Pariksha.

Antakarana Suddhi Pariksha

  • Likhita Japa: It is so impactful and the three subtlest senses are engaged. Don’t underestimate the practice. At the of the day, journaling about the day is the output and Japa is the input. Separate the page in to two halves and fall asleep to Likhita Japa.
  • Lying: it can be determined on the outside and inside. Lying to self is not living up to one’s value system. It is being selfish. Also, if you criticize people, what right do you have to ask them for help? That indicates a lack of integrity and is also lying.
  • Virtues: Every month pick a virtue and dedicate all thoughts/words/actions to that virtue. If you develop one, the rest will come! This is urgent. Focus on it.

Closing Remarks

  • Gurudev is sharing that we should try not to find excuses for why you’re not evolving.
  • Svadharma Pariscaya: LOVE what you do — no likes/ dislikes. When one is so pure, Sankhya Yoga will be so easy.
  • Three practices to focus on: Likhita Japa, Less Lying, and Virtue Development (start with patience!)
  • Know that every time you remember Bhagwan, Bhagwan is remembering you.
  • Analyze — Summarize — Memorize. Know the mind and how it may work against you. (Just as baseball players watch tape to understand the opposing team)
  • RAW: Read (and comment!) on Happy Hour students’ sharing/ reflections. on Vichara Gurukula.
  • For the rest of the classes, we will start with Dhyana, then Discourse, and wrap up with Dialogue.


Q1: When I chant, the mind tries to translate and reflect on the meaning versus just chanting. It leads to feeling distracted. Please advise — what should I do?

A: When chanting only chant and focus on the Nama. When inquiring in to the Shloka feel the Nama in you. It should be closer. If one is getting distracted during the chanting, it means one is not going deep enough in to inquiry. We need to do less rituals and more philosophy.

Q2: If we already have a practice to do Japa Mala should we still focus on Likhita Japa simultaneously?

A: At night when the intellect is the weakest, engage in the “beginner” sadhana of Likhita Japa. The content is the same but presented differently.

Q3: How do we measure that which is subtle?

A: That which is subtle is hard to measure. Find any and all strategies to make the mind quiet. Check-in with that which is subtle. Ultimately, go from Brahman to Bhagwan and back to Brahman.

Q4: Is there a better time to do Japa — before or after Contemplation?

A: When one is going through contemplation, it is all Manasa (mental). Afterwards, use the body for physical Japa.

Q5: How do we cope with lying especially with the POTUS?

A: 1. Move to Canada haha 2. Don’t go out of your way to be exposed to negativity i.e. watching or reading the news. You’ll likely find out regardless. Expose oneself to positivity! 3. Your allegiance is to Dharma in the form of Sanatana. It is not to your country or family. That which is changed above will be changed below.

