Reflections: Oct 16th, 2017

Sundaranand Mahadevan
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
2 min readOct 17, 2017

What did Bheeshma teach Yudhishthira? Refer the link for the first set of reflections and read the remaining below.

Among the intelligent, the heroic, the foolish, the cowardly, the idiotic, the learned, the weak; or the strong, happiness comes to him for whom it is ordained.

The cow belongs to the calf, to the cowherd that owns her, and to the thief. Indeed, she belongs to him who drinks her milk.

Two types of people enjoy supreme happiness: one who has reached the highest level of wisdom and the ignorant one who is in deep sleep. The wise man is OK no matter what happens to him; to the man in deep sleep ‘Ignorance is Bliss”.

If your chances of happiness is 0.5 on every event (equally probable), on 2 events your chances of happiness is 0.25; On 3 events is 0.125. As you are add on more events, your chances of gaining happiness keeps shrinking. So, be careful when it comes to seeking happiness in this or the other world.

Misery consists in the states that are intermediate between 2 states: State of unconditional awareness and deep sleep. Those who are in between these two states suffer endlessly.

There are 2 kinds of people: “Wise” and the “Other Wise”. The “Other Wise” enjoys happiness in deep sleep and wake up with suffering.

Can the unwise trick themselves to happiness?. Deluded people are happy like Gods in Heaven, filled with a sense of grandeur, puffed up with unbridled ego.

Happiness must end in misery. Idleness is misery ; while cleverness (in action) is the cause of happiness. Affluence and prosperity dwell in one possessed of
cleverness, but not in one that is idle.

Be it happiness or be it misery, be it agreeable or be it disagreeable, what comes to one should be enjoyed or endured with an unconquered heart (keep your heart free).

If you are dependent on others for your happiness, it is a lousy situation to be in. Your happiness is not dependent on other person’s behavior. Set aside this entitlement and be free; else you will manipulate, in subtle ways, the other to gain your satisfaction and contentment. Such manipulative acts ruins our relationship. Not only you suffer, you also put others in incredible suffering.

In unconditional love, there is no emotional dependence.

Swami Dayananda says “An enlightened person is an objective person”.

When I say “my glasses”, where does the “my” ness in the glass exist?. I superimpose “my” ness onto the glass. This “my” ness exists in my mind, not in the glass. This is enlightenment.

