Reflections: Oct 20th, 2017

Sundaranand Mahadevan
2 min readOct 21, 2017


When I have faith [Trust pending confirmation in the teacher and the scripture], the quest to know “Who Am I” as the highest & the only priority and seek the help of Sangha [seekers helping each other to discover Truth],I will be know the Truth and abide in it.

Jesus in John 8:31–32 “So He said to the Jews who had believed [Trust pending confirmation] Him, “If you continue in My word [Words of Scriptures and Guru], you are truly My disciples[Mumukshu]. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

When you don’t know much about yourself, you are more acceptable to yourself. Isn’t this true?

You need a lot of knowledge to fall into the trap of superiority/inferiority complexes.

The whole struggle in life is to become significant.

If I cannot accept myself, how can I expect others to accept me?

Continued research in all branches of knowledge points out the sense of inadequacy in the seeker.

Every action I do is propelled from the seed thought “I am small and insignificant”.

So what if I am insignificant? Let me be so. Then, suffering will follow me like the cart following the hoof of the bullock.

This problem of “I am insignificant” is the fundamental and the Universal problem. Until I gain the knowledge “I am significant”, this problem will continue to haunt me, propelling me into a web of activities — like a drunken monkey stung by a scorpion.

So what if I am significant? Is this going to add anything to my resume? No.

How can I ever say “I am significant” when I am suffering like a boneless worm wriggling under the scorching sun? Perhaps, the way you look at yourself is erroneous.

Scriptures declare “You are the only significant thing in this creation and everything else in this creation is insignificant”. What are you going to do now?

The role is the Person, the Person is not the role. An actor (Person)on the stage cannot bring forth a beggar (a role) and stay in the backstage. The actor has to go along with the beggar to paint the scene. The beggar is the Person, but the Person is not the beggar.

While the actor plays the role of the beggar and submerges in sorrow, the crowd is spell bound with tears; The Person, who is independent of the beggar, is happy and perhaps even becoming richer and richer. The role and the Person remain together without conflict and contradiction. In the same way, the body/mind and the Person are together, the body/mind is the Person, while the Person is not the body/mind.

Is it possible to change just once more so I don’t have to change ever again?. Yes, indeed.

