Spiritual Summer Tour 2020 ☀️

Nina Bhattacharya
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
2 min readMay 4, 2020

As the sun comes out to stay, wave your sorrows goodbye, because we’re going on a Spiritual Summer Tour starting May 31! For 10 weeks, Vivekji and a team of inspiring teachers will guide us through 5 dynamic weekly workshops and mini-courses geared towards Self-Development. 🚐 🛣️ ☀️

Wow! Which course should I register for?

  • Curious about the basics of Vedanta? 🌸 Check out “Hinduism 101.”
  • Want to dive into bhakti? 🌷 Consider “Vedanta in Bhagavata,” where we unfold the beauty and wisdom of the Srimad Bhagavatam.
  • Looking for something more advanced? 🌺 Join “The Direct Experience,” where we’ll be studying contemplation through Aparoksha Anubhuti.
  • Wondering how Vedanta connects to our everyday lives? 🌼 The “All Around Development” interactive workshops, co-taught by Ambikaji and Vivekji, are just for you.
  • I’m in high school. Is this just for adults? 🌻 Nope! You should join “Power Hour for Youth” with Sumanji. (He’s really cool.) You’re also welcome to sign up for all of the other classes!
  • What about kids!!!! Why did you save us for last? 💐 Because we love you the most! We are super lucky that Shankarji will be guiding our “Happy Hours” for Children and Kids.

Register today!

Please note that registration for the course does not guarantee acceptance. An email confirming your acceptance will be sent prior to the start of the course.

