The Happiness Series Part II !

Virtual Jnana Yajna — December 3–6

Rupa Bhashyam
Chinmaya Mission Niagara
1 min readOct 11, 2018


Happiness is Life.

The more we understand Life, the more we come to understand that Happiness is our nature. The more we come to know that Life is Happiness.

From December 3rd— 6th, 7pm to 8:30pm EST, Acharya Vivek will uncover answers to your most compelling questions about life and living. This unique and interactive workshop will take place virtually, so that anyone of any age can join! Students can experience the yajna individually, as a family or as a community. Jnana Yajna link

Topics include:

Day 1: loneliness to Aloneness…

Day 2: Living takes TIME!

Day 3: Lift Yourself by YourSelf

Day 4: LARGE Heart small conflict

The more balanced and generous we are, the less we are disturbed and shaken by conflict (at home, school, work, etc.). With calmness, we find ourselves more and more content. More and more independently joyous.

Save the dates and join us for this unique opportunity! And please spread the word!

The Happiness Series Part II — Virtual Jnana Yajna

For more on The Happiness Series — Part I, visit The Happiness Series Playlist on the Vichara Gurukula Youtube Channel:

