A Developer’s Guide to Formatting Floats in Python: Clear Explanations for Beginners

Master the Art of Displaying Floating-Point Numbers with Consistent Decimal Places

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2 min readApr 17, 2023


Floating duck from https://tinyurl.com/y9w5pxxu


As an experienced developer, I’ve encountered my fair share of challenges when working with floating-point numbers in Python. One common task is displaying these numbers with a specific number of decimal places. Imagine you’re given a simple coding question: “How can you display a floating-point number with exactly two decimal places, even when trailing decimal places are zeros?” In this article, I’ll share my insights and provide clear explanations to help beginners understand how to solve this problem using Python.

Rounding with Python’s round function

Python's built-in round function is commonly used to round a number to a specified number of decimal places. Here's an example:

number = 3.14159
rounded_number = round(number, 2)
print(rounded_number) # Output: 3.14

However, there’s a “round” about issue with the round function. When trailing decimal places are zeros, it doesn't display them:

number = 14.00
rounded_number = round(number, 2)
print(rounded_number) # Output: 14.0

Formatting with the format function

To keep your floating-point numbers consistently formatted, you can use Python's format function. Here's an example:

number = 14.00
formatted_number = format(number, '.2f')
print(formatted_number) # Output: 14.00

The format function takes the number and a format specifier (in this case, '.2f') to display the number with exactly two decimal places. It's a "float"ing solution to our problem!

Concise code with f-strings and the format function

In Python 3.6 and later, f-strings can make your code cleaner and more concise by embedding the format function directly into a string. Here's an example:

number = 14.00
print(f"{format(number, '.2f')}") # Output: 14.00


When working with floating-point numbers in Python, displaying them consistently with the desired number of decimal places is important. The round function can help with rounding numbers, but it may not display trailing zeros. Instead, using the format function or f-strings with the format function can ensure your floating-point numbers stay consistently formatted.

So, to answer the coding question posed at the beginning: To display a floating-point number with exactly two decimal places, even when trailing decimal places are zeros, use the format function or f-strings with the format function.

Remember this little mnemonic joke: When you need to format a floating-point number, don’t let the zeros “float” away — use the format function!

Now you’re equipped with the knowledge to format floating-point numbers in Python like an experienced developer. Keep learning, and happy coding!




Skilled Python developer, educator. Passion for empowering women. Shares her expertise to make Python accessible to all, building a inclusive tech community.