Tough Love When Poor Me Doesn’t Help Anyone

Derek's Light Beyond Trauma
Victim to Warrior Community
5 min readJul 10, 2024


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Some hard facts of life, you are amazing!

Helping can be difficult, parenting can be difficult, and life can be difficult, but you have what it takes.

I have missed the point of helping, I have always thought that if can sort something out for somebody was helping, and this is partly true. When people are young or vulnerable and they are at a point they can’t do what they need to do for themselves, but, every time we fix something for somebody they are denied the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to shine.

Every time we offer to do something for somebody, part of us is saying to them,
You don’t need to do it!
You need to be better!
I need to stop you from growing!
You are beaten and can’t fix yourself!
You are not good enough!
You are not magical and powerful!
You will never master this!

Of course, this is extreme but you get the point, but every time we ask for help with something we can do, we are saying the same things about ourselves.

Don’t get me wrong, Lisa does almost everything for me, I am capable but lazy, and this became a problem for me when Lisa…



Derek's Light Beyond Trauma
Victim to Warrior Community

Bringing people together on their healing Journey. Breaking the isolation of abuse, building confidence and breaking the circles of abuse. Showcasing writers.