You Have Come This Far You’re Amazing And Beautiful

Derek Morgan
Victim to Warrior Community
4 min readJul 24, 2024


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Welcome To The Wednesday Warrior Salon The Home Of Superstars

My guide suggested I start the article with a few inspirational quotes, then they suggested that I remind you how amazingly talented and beautiful you are, and that you have all the magic you need inside to create a beautiful life. They also suggested you listen to this beautiful song.

  1. “Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain
  2. “When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to the happiness that you can give out.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  3. “When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.” — Norman Vincent Peale
  4. “It is only when we take chances that our lives improve. The initial and the most difficult risk we need to take is to become honest.” — Walter Anderson
  5. “Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together.” — Diane McLaren

Two chats inspired me to make the changes to the Salon I felt were needed. One was with my good friend Chantal Weiss who like all of us worried about her next book’s reception, and who would be interested in her story, what if they felt her experience wasn’t that bad?

Everybody’s experiences are unique and how we respond is right for us, there is no right or wrong way to deal with things.

There is no guidebook, that tells you how good or bad something was.

People don’t want to read about painful things, you can hear some people say, but most people want to read about how you faced challenges and conquered your fears and limitations. Chantal’s writing is full of self-awareness and insights, there is hope and learning in the darkest places.

People’s doubts and insecurities are so reassuring to see, AI hasn’t mastered them yet, but you do, you face them and overcome them. You need, the darkness to help you shine your light. The Salon was created to share our journey, the good, the bad, and our unique views. It is important to help people realize they are not alone and that they can do much more than just cope.

The second conversation was with my daughter, she told me she had written a non-send letter to her mum, about the rejection she felt with her Mum in the past. She explained she felt so much better now she could control her feelings of rejection. I suggested the fear of rejection is a side-effect of loving and investing in someone or something.

She told me, she was feeling great until I said that. My guides tried to help me out they said, that while the fear of rejection is a constant, its effect on you reduces with time and the number of times you have faced it. Coping mechanisms certainly help, writing reduces the huge fear to a few small words.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” — Rumi

We were born to manifest the Creator’s beauty in the world, The Creator smiles at and through us. The Creator is a loving beautiful energy that is within us all.

You were born to be different, created unique, and tasked with making sense of the world that sometimes makes no sense. Some of you are looking for better, having never seen or experienced better.

Different doesn’t mean to be ashamed, guilty, isolated, self-hating, and afraid.

Different means feeling unique, beautiful, talented, amazing, loved, and divine.

Here are some great articles from some talented writers!

This is an article by Jo a new writer, describing how an experience can bring the past flooding past.

RDx4 article talks about facing her challenges on the path to happiness.

Jezebelle Darling - Healing through Writing

Chantal Weiss

Mika Oka

Derek's Life Beyond Trauma

Judy Haratz Cohen

Our community is built by supporting each other.

We all like to be appreciated, and I appreciate your support.

Writing is the soul’s attempt to be heard and the ego’s attempt to live beyond its lifetime.

Stop hiding, shrinking doesn’t serve the world or God.

So go out and create waves of love, beauty, and hope, because you never know who will surf on them!

Thanks for reading but more importantly thanks for being your beautiful self.

Love yourself, Love life, Love each other, and Create Magic!

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Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil Poonam Vashist Sheronda Lofton Ted Czukor Libby Shively McAvoy Mika Oka Elena dL Jezebelle Darling — Healing through Writing Lee Byrd Derek Morgan Stephanie Mccabe RDx4 Gemini May Yolk Gemini 🌈LIFE LESSON Elara Gemini

zizi majid Brenda Arledge River’s Writings Benighted My Cozy Den Judy Haratz Cohen Brenda Long Bella Smith ⭐ Harry Hogg Cristina Cattai Chantal Weiss Writes By Tiffany Melforte



Derek Morgan
Victim to Warrior Community

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.