Voterly — A Millennial Targeted Civic Engagement Platform

Sarah Horton
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2019

Updated on August 8, 2019: Vidaloop’s civic engagement tool, Voterly, is now live. Check it out at

Vidaloop, a San Diego based software company, has announced it will release its new civic engagement platform, Voterly, by summer 2019, which will make it easy to keep up with politics, find like-minded politicians, and vote on things that matter to individuals.

Vidaloop understands that in the age of technology, Millennials are often confused on where to get reliable political information. The company aims to remedy this through Voterly, by aggregating honest, credible, and fact-based political information into a single seamless platform, with the social media look-and-feel its customers are accustomed to.

“Currently, there isn’t a platform that can answer the question ‘Who should I vote for?’ in a personalized or transparent way. As a software company, invested in strengthening democracy, we’re using technology to fix that problem,” said Ryan Cook, Co-Founder and President of Vidaloop.

Voterly enables users to quickly access trustworthy, nonpartisan political information and compare where politicians stand on issues they care about — making it easier than ever to make informed, confident voting decisions. Users can sign up for personalized political updates from the national to local level, so they can make their voices heard on issues that affect them most.

