Pieces to Camera

Video Journalism 90008
1 min readAug 27, 2017

Ah, the dreaded piece to camera. It’s an important skill to be able to nail one, and sometimes it just requires the ability to think out of the box. Here’s a great example by the BBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, where the pictures really do show the story in a way that words cannot. Rupert’s a master of the interesting piece-to-camera. Here’s another piece of his, which has not so much a standup but a dive-up.

When is it a gimmick and when does it add drama? It’s a thin line.

But ethics are key. It’s always worth thinking past what makes a good shot, and making sure you don’t get caught out acting in an unethical or thoughtless way. Here’s an example from ABC’s Laetitia Lemke, which crosses some lines.

Finally, here’s a roll of examples by Christian Parkinson, a BBC shooter based in South Africa. If you’re a one-person band, you won’t be able to do any of these more complicated handheld moving shots, but it’s worth a look.

Finally, here are links to Lizzie Crouch’s pieces on rabies and lemurs. Enjoy!

