Three Pieces to Watch

Video Journalism 90008
2 min readSep 8, 2016

Our guest next week will be ABC’s Madeleine Morris and ahead of the class, I’m posting some pieces for you to watch. Please make sure that you have two questions prepared for her, either specific questions about one of the pieces below, or about her workflow, her career or ethical questions surrounding the issues that she has been reporting upon. First up is this piece on the life and death of Tara Costigan.

This case is currently in court, and the latest reporting is below.

Madeleine has also written about the difficulties of reporting on domestic violence.

Here’s another one to watch: a court story where the team had to be creative to overcome a lack of visuals.

And here’s a story that posed a number of legal and ethical challenges in the reporting.

Please watch all three of the above, so we can discuss fully in class. I’ll also post the two parts of a three-part investigative series that Morris worked on for a long time, which is worth watching (and thinking about every time you have a parcel delivered.)

