Produce Truly Remarkable Video Testimonials Using These Tips

Frank Gannon
Video-First Marketing
4 min readApr 12, 2019

Having a lot of customer testimonials is all well and good, but they won’t be much use if they aren’t achieving the desired result: more sales.

So, what makes a customer testimonials a truly valuable marketing and sales asset?

  • Testimonials should be relatable
  • Testimonials should tell a compelling story
  • Testimonials should help you make a point
  • Testimonials should address buying objections
  • Testimonials should be genuine and specific

With this in mind, here are some tips for creating engaging, revenue-generating testimonials videos.

These are also things you should consider incorporating into your testimonial-gathering process.

  • Get Testimonials from the Right People
    Remember, you want your testimonials to resonate with the right audiences.If you’re trying to connect with the individual making the buying decision, you might be better off with someone from the C-suite.Trying to build up support from within their ranks? Maybe talk with a team lead or someone in a director role.
  • Ask the Right Customer Testimonial Questions
    Asking the right questions can make all the difference when it comes time to refine their answers into a compelling story.This part of the process is likely where you have the most control over the quality of the final testimonial.What points are you trying to make and what objectives are you helping prospects overcome? Ask your customer questions that will lead them in the right direction. BONUS: We’ve put together this download with 7 unusual questions to ask your customers to get some truly next-level testimonials.
  • Tell a Story with Testimonials
    A good testimonial interviewer can get to the heart of the customer’s story within minutes, but what you collect will still need to be edited into story-form if it’s going to reach its maximum potential.Can’t find the story? Let the Hero’s Journey be your guide.
  • Be Genuine and Specific
    Although you’ll almost certainly have to do some editing, it’s important to not lose the voice of the customer or soften the edges of it too much in the process.Use the language they’d use, and don’t omit points just because you don’t personally see the appeal — it may be exactly what your next customer wants to hear, or simply the context that grants it legitimacy.Modern consumers can spot a fake testimonial from a mile away, so don’t let an otherwise worthy testimonial damage your brand. Exact (and real) figures will go a long way in making a testimonial tangible.

Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to creating some top-shelf customer testimonials!

But what if I told you that you could amplify all the things that make customer testimonials so great, and make them that much more effective?


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth 1.8 million words, at least according to some fuzzy math done by Forrester Research.

Whether or not you agree with how they reached that number, there’s no denying that when video and customer testimonials come together, the results are truly next-level.

We’ve talked before about why customer testimonial videos are the best at what they do, so I won’t go into too much detail, but in summary:

  • Customer testimonial videos afford a much wider range of connection between customer and prospect; through body language, facial expressions, and other social signals.
  • Video testimonials are perceived as more legitimate, as they’re much harder to fake.
  • Video in general is far more engaging and digestible than other, more conventional forms of content.

Of course, a video testimonial isn’t quite as easy to pull together as a written testimonial.

However, just as with written testimonials, thinking this stuff through ahead of time, and incorporating it into your testimonial-gathering process can remove a lot of the hassle.

Thoughtcast Media is a video marketing agency that specializes in the production of video testimonials, traveling up and down the East Coast of the U.S. (and beyond), helping B2B businesses tell their customers’ stories.

For a primer on video testimonials be sure to check out this monster of a blog post, covering just about everything you need to know about producing video testimonials that get results.

Don’t want to waste any more time before you can get your hands on some testimonial videos of your own? We make it fast and easy to buy video testimonials.



Frank Gannon
Video-First Marketing

Marketing, video, tech-enthusiast, entrepreneur guy. Helping businesses grow online since 2005.