Introducing The VideoCoin Network

Vivid Labs Team
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2019

This is a day we have been eager to write about for some time — the unveiling of the VideoCoin Network. It’s a project you’ve seen us write about regularly for the past few years, but today is different. It’s the beginning of something monumental.

Today, the VideoCoin Network team released our product into the wild as part of our four-stage journey to disrupt the largest utilization of the Internet, the online video industry. Taking on such a big goal is like climbing Mt. Everest. There are multiple ascents before one can reach the ultimate summit. As such, we have staged our journey into four significant milestones: Fuji, Kilimanjaro, K2, and Everest.

Fuji, our first release, occurred on August 27, 2019.

Fuji enables users to livestream video content on the VideoCoin Network using the VideoCoin (VID) token. This is the first utility use-case of the VID and the birth of the VideoCoin Network. It is a huge milestone after 18 months of tireless development efforts across our global engineering team. I couldn’t be more proud.

This release showcases the VideoCoin Studio.

VideoCoin Studio

VideoCoin Studio is the culmination of years of hard work and a simple interface to the enormous amount of technology we’ve built. Publishers can now livestream video content with the ease of a fully managed interface to the VideoCoin Network.

You can easily deposit VID Tokens from the Ethereum Mainnet into a wallet account, that is automatically bridged in by our Ethereum-VID bridge a native representation of VID on our native blockchain, powered by our VideoCoin Protocol Ledger which is also part of this release.

This Protocol Ledger is running underneath our Symphony Blockchain Interface Layer, which forms an RPC/HTTP and REST Layers for VideoCoin Studio to use. Interfacing to Symphony is our transcoding worker nodes that uses the VideoCoin Protocol (which will be open-sourced this week on out GitHub)

You can join the VideoCoin Network here.

Today is also an exciting day because it marks the first listings of the VideoCoin token on exchanges to enable broad use of the VideoCoin Network. VideoCoin is now available on KuCoin (international) and Beaxy (U.S. domestic) under the token ticker VID. We are excited that these great exchanges have decided to list the token and enable the utilization of the VideoCoin Network as it grows and scales.

Join the VideoCoin community to stay up to date on the latest releases and developments


Why is there a waitlist for VideoCoin Studio?

VideoCoin Fuji release is the first time we are allowing people to access the VideoCoin Studio. So in order to manage network load and achieve predictable outcomes for users, we are steadily approving accounts.



Vivid Labs Team

Creators of VIVID, the next generation NFT publishing platform that allows anyone to create, manage, and sell multimedia NFTs.