This Week in NFTs: As the NFT Boom Roars Back, Musicians, Influencers, and Athletes Take Notice

Vivid Labs Team
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2021

Musicians, Influencers, and Athletes are taking NFTs more seriously as they come back into the spotlight. Following high-profile NFT drops in the first quarter of the year, other public figures have since quietly spent their time developing their NFT strategies. VideoCoin’s NFT technology is the perfect solution for the celebrities and musicians developing advanced and integrated NFTs and Marketplaces. We are ready to take advantage of the increased desire for these partnerships and are well placed to participate in the future cementation of NFTs in the public sphere.

This week in NFTs

1) OpenSea trading volume explodes 76,240% YTD amid NFT boom — Source: Cointelegraph

5) NFTs Explained: What are NFTs and how do they work in the DraftKings Marketplace? — Source: Draft Kings

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Vivid Labs Team

Creators of VIVID, the next generation NFT publishing platform that allows anyone to create, manage, and sell multimedia NFTs.