Convert Viewers into Donors for Your Political Campaign

Video Squirrel
Video Squirrel
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2020

Just in time for the election season, Video Squirrel now supports donations for your political campaigns, along with swag sales. Our video technology, the first and only technology of its kind, will greatly enhance your political fundraising, help generate voters and build your voter data.

Video is the most consumed type of digital content and garners the highest response rates. You’re 4x more likely to get a response from video than any other type marketing tool on the Internet. Until now, video always acted as an awareness and messaging tool, but there has to date been no way to capture or convert eyeballs into dollars.

And now you can!

Click here to view video.

Video Squirrel Technology allows you to convert an audience into supporters and donors. Anyone viewing any of your videos– hosted and shared through Video Squirrel– can simply click on the pink button within the video and donate, using their credit card. There are no logins, no redirects, no pop ups and no downloads

Key Benefits of the Video Squirrel Donations Technology:

  • Viewers donate directly in-video
  • Donations are credited directly to the campaign
  • Donation transparency, with full records belonging to the campaign itself and available for auditing
  • Legal requirements and disclaimers: all legally required federal information is collected, ensuring compliance with campaign finance laws
  • Long-term funding: campaigns can run for as long as desired and help convert any ongoing audience into donors, realizing a steadier flow of funds and increased support
  • Sharing across all social media, providing a one-stop video platform that can help raise donations across the Internet
  • Campaigns can create surrogates who can develop their own videos to share with their audiences, increasing donations to the campaign that are deposited directly into the campaign account

Interested in learning more about how Video Squirrel can be a vital tool for you as you embark on this year’s campaign season? Schedule a demo now.

How it Works

You can be up, running and capturing donations in three easy steps:

  1. Go into your Web Dashboard. Create a Product in the Political category to accept donations. Once you are satisfied with the other content about your donation ask, click save.
  2. Navigate to the Videos section and upload a video of your choice. Pair your Donations Product with the Video, and name your Video.
  3. And that’s it! Start sharing the link on social media, email, text or embed it in any website. Your donations-enabled video will start capturing donations from any eyeballs.

Are you ready to revolutionize the way your raise funds for your campaigns? Schedule a demo today!



Video Squirrel
Video Squirrel
Editor for

Video Squirrel gives your video content a direct path to purchase at the point of discovery. No redirects, no links, no clunky checkout process.