How to Create Interactive Data Visualization Apps with Dash Plotly in Minutes

Jonathan Marin
5 min readMay 2, 2023


Plotly Dash is a popular framework for creating interactive web applications with data visualization in Python. However, it also comes with challenges and limitations that could make it hard to use or customize. In this article, we will show you how DashCanvas address some of the most common pain points of advanced data visualization. DashCanvas offers three main features that will make your Dash app development more enjoyable:

  • A drag-and-drop UI builder that lets you create dashboard layouts from structured datasets without writing code.
  • A Jupyter Notebook interface that enables to develop and modify Dash apps interactively from within Jupyter environments.
  • Zero overhead distribution of apps to colleagues and other stakeholders in the project.

Pain Point 1: The Learning Curve

One of the pain points of frameworks like Plotly Dash is the learning curve involved in using its components. Dash is based on Flask, React, and Plotly.js, which are not easy to learn. Moreover, Dash has its own way of creating layouts and callbacks, which can be confusing or overwhelming for beginners or even experienced developers. Some of the feedback from the community includes:

  • “Dash is great, but it’s not easy to learn. There are so many components and options to choose from.”
  • “I wish there was a simpler way to create Dash apps without writing so much code.”
  • “Dash documentation is good, but sometimes I get lost in the details. I need more examples and tutorials.”

Solution: Drag and Drop UI Builder

DashCanvas solves this pain point by providing a drag-and-drop UI builder that generates Plotly apps in Python. This feature allows you to create dashboard layouts using the built-in drag & drop UIs from structured datasets. You can choose from various templates and themes, customize the appearance and behavior of the components, and preview the results in real-time. The UI builder also generates the code for the dashboard and commits it as part of the Dash app project, which can be helpful for debugging and customization. This feature can save you time and effort by simplifying the app creation process and reducing the code required.

Pain Point 2: The Performance and Scalability Issues

Another pain point is the performance and scalability issues for large or complex Dash apps. Dash apps rely on callbacks to update the app state based on user interactions. However, callbacks can be slow or unreliable when dealing with large amounts of data or complex computations. In addition, Dash apps are single-threaded by default, which means they can only handle one request at a time. This can cause bottlenecks and timeouts when multiple users access the app simultaneously. Some of the feedback from the community includes:

  • “My Dash app is very slow when I load a large dataset or run a complex analysis.”
  • “My Dash app crashes or freezes when I have too many callbacks or components.”
  • “My Dash app cannot handle concurrent users or requests. It becomes unresponsive or gives errors.”

Solution: Interactive Visualizations

DashCanvas solves this pain point by enhancing the Dash app with visual cross-filtering, which enables you to explore and analyze data interactively. Visual cross-filtering allows you to filter data across multiple charts by selecting regions of interest on one graph and seeing the effects on other charts. This feature leverages the power of WebGL to render charts in both vector-quality SVG and high-performance WebGL. Visual cross-filtering also uses web workers to offload computations from the main thread, which improves responsiveness and app stability. This feature can enhance the user experience and satisfaction by providing fast and smooth data exploration and analysis.

Pain Point 3: The Lack of Native Support for Some Features or Integrations

A third pain point of Plotly Dash is the lack of native support for some features or integrations commonly used or requested by developers and users. For example, some users want editable tables to modify data directly on the dashboard. Some users want to use web assembly to run native code in the browser for faster or more secure computations. Some users want to integrate with other Python libraries and tools, such as Power BI, Pandas, Tableau, etc. Some of the feedback from the community includes:

  • “I want an editable table component in my Dash app that allows me to edit data on the fly.”
  • “I want to use web assembly in my Dash app to run some C++ code that is too slow or sensitive in Python.”
  • “I want to connect my Dash app with other Python tools I use for data analysis or visualization.”

Solution: Jupyter Notebook Interface

DashCanvas solves this pain point by providing a Jupyter Notebook interface for viewing and editing Dash apps in Python. This feature allows you to create and modify Dash apps interactively from within Jupyter environments (e.g. classic Notebook, JupyterLab, Visual Studio Code notebooks, nteract, PyCharm notebooks, etc.). You can run and display Dash apps in notebooks using different modes, such as inline, external, or jupyterlab. You can also integrate with Jupyter tools and extensions, such as ipywidgets, voila, binder, etc. The Jupyter Notebook interface also leverages the power and flexibility of Python and Plotly to create rich and expressive data visualizations. This feature can enable rapid prototyping and experimentation of Dash apps in a familiar and flexible environment.


DashCanvas address some of the main pain points of Plotly Dash that have been raised or discussed on blogs and social media. DashCanvas offers a drag-and-drop UI builder that generates Plotly apps in Python, a visual cross-filtering feature that enhances data exploration and analysis, and a Jupyter Notebook interface that enables interactive development and integration of Dash apps. These features can simplify the app creation process, improve the app’s performance and scalability, and expand the app’s functionality and compatibility.

DashCanvas is the game-changer you need to simplify your data visualization process. If you are ready to say goodbye to complex coding and slow performance, sign up for a free trial here. Happy Dash-ing!

