VideoWiki speaker guide

Marta Matias
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2022
  1. Start by making sure you are in a space where you can control noise and interruptions, and with a good background. Then, you are ready to join the cast: click on the link in the invitation, write your name and the password provided and you’re in the room.

2. You will join the cast muted and with no video. To open or close these, click on the buttons below:

3. The streaming will start with a music. When the music is playing, the participantes have to be mutted. They can communicate with each other on the chat — which will not be displayed in the stream. How to open the chat:

4. As a participant, you don’t have the power to share your screen when you desire to — the host has to make you a presenter. After you’re made a presenter, you’ll see a fourth button, next to the camera button, as below:

5. Finally, this is how you leave the event:

And that’s all you need to know to join the cast and present your project!


  • when it’s your turn to speak, open your audio before you open the video. The video might take a few seconds to start, so you can start talking before people see your face.
  • this is a guide for the WAM Hackathon, powered by SWARM. If you wish to know more in detail how to use VideoWiki, check all our tutorial videos here.

What we have accomplished so far:

  • #EUvsVirus Hackathon Challenge Winner — Project conceptualization, partnership pledges
  • #Hack Back Overall Winner 2020 — UX definitions and first prize
  • Semi-finalist of AISolutions 2030 Solving SDG Global Goals through AI
  • Winners of Climate KIC Romania
  • Winners DigiEduHack by EIT Digital Timisora
  • Grant contract from ETHEREUM SWARM to develop Stock Media Marketplace
  • Ocean Grants to develop CAST solution, NFT drops and Audience Web3 connects

News & Media:


What will the funds enable us to do.

