Live in Two Weeks: How Vidpresso Helped Grey Produce a Live Stream from Scratch

Drew Tyler
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2017


Advertising and marketing group, Grey, was looking for a solution for a live show they planned to produce for Super Bowl LI involving their client Papa John’s Pizza and spokesman Peyton Manning.

With live streaming, most brands and agencies can’t settle for amateur looking live streams. They need a quality product that will match the established integrity of their brand. That’s where the experience and quality of Vidpresso comes in.

Live Q&A with Peyton Manning, using Vidpresso.

Grey needed an impressive production with top-notch quality to compliment their client’s brand and to maintain the hype of Super Bowl weekend. Grey has an extensive background in advertising and marketing, but they needed a production team that could work fast and efficiently for this project.

After trying several other solutions, and with only 2 weeks left before Super Bowl weekend, Grey contacted Vidpresso for a demonstration. The Vidpresso team met with Grey execs in NYC and the two teams immediately began working on an engaging high-quality production.

Grey knew they needed a team with professional broadcasting expertise to handle the Papa John’s brand. There was no room for mistakes. The Vidpresso team has nearly 4 decades of live-event video production experience. It was this wealth of knowledge and equipment that made a smooth live show possible.

Vidpresso is a platform that allows brands to engage and interact with their live stream audience using broadcast-style graphics, live commenting and real-time polling. Beyond the platform, Vidpresso also offers their high-end equipment and production talent. Agencies can rest easy knowing that Vidpresso can easily and cleanly execute anything they can imagine for their clients’ content marketing needs.

For this particular event Vidpresso helped Grey design and formulate ideas for the show. They worked with them on everything from the on-air elements, like the graphic design and set design, to the un-aired preparation leading up to showtime. The Vidpresso team created a custom set of graphics and tweaked one of their features to create a gameshow specific graphic overlay.

Just some of the gear Vidpresso used in Houston for this event.

When the teams arrived in Houston they set up in a nice quiet conference room space and the Vidpresso team brought in all the lights, cameras, computers, and tech gear needed to create a quality live show.

Mixers, laptops, and production brains… Oh my!

For this setup the team used a laptop to playback video, another to manage graphic overlays, one for camera switching, and one more for a teleprompter. They even had someone off-site controlling several of the on-screen items, like scores and timers. It takes a talented team to pull off a complex live stream. As everyone executes their parts individually, the larger production shines. Every team member knows how to work in concert with each other.

Live Q&A with Peyton Manning, using Vidpresso.

This web show had two main talents; A host, Nick Ferrara and celebrity guest, Peyton Manning. As host, Ferrara ran through a set of questions for Manning to warm things up. After about 15 minutes they took a few questions directly from the Facebook live audience, placing their comments on the screen for all viewers to see, thereby increasing audience engagement.

Papa’s Touchdown Trivia was a major part of the show.

The main part of the show was “Papa’s Touchdown Trivia.” Ferrara asked each question as it was posted on the screen, and the audience was given 15 seconds to add their guesses in the comment section of the live stream. After the 15 seconds were up, Ferrara asked Manning for his answer and then compared that with the audience’s consensus. Live answers from the comments were calculated and shown in real-time. Each correct answer earned the respective team 1 point. On-screen graphics kept track of the score, and a small counter in the upper corner kept track of the timing. Ultimately Manning triumphed 13 -12.

Event production takes a lot of coordinating and communication. If you have an upcoming event that needs that extra level of production, let the team at Vidpresso know! Fill out the contact form at

Check out the entire “Peyton Live” show below!



Drew Tyler

Live Production and all-around tech geek. Former university professor. I love all things Live, Projection mapping, gaming, and college survival tips.