One for the History Books

Drew Tyler
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2016

Yesterday’s election coverage was something to behold. Beyond the traditional mass media outlets, the online coverage was expansive. We saw all kinds of coverage from all the major news outlets and some great local coverage from lots of smaller news outfits.

From NBC News Live stream “Race to 270! Watch the LIVE electoral map”

Live streams on Facebook were a major source of information and engagement. From projection mapped buildings to hand colored election maps, and all the discussions in between. We thought it would be neat to look deeper into what part of that coverage we were able to assist in with our live streaming service.

Vidpresso was in the thick of it, powering an astounding 49 Facebook live streams in under 24 hours. Our platform facilitated nearly 31 hours of content produced by Reuters, NBC Universal, Fusion, and others. Coverage started with a first look at election day at 9:25am and ran into the early morning hours of Wednesday. A combined total of 22.4 million viewers watched and engaged with Vidpresso-powered live streams over that time. Remarkable. As a team, we’re excited to be a part of the rapid growth of live streaming as we offer tools for improved production quality and increased engagement.

We saw live reports from campaign headquarters around the nation, and several reports from major cities around the globe.

Some of our favorite streams from election day include the hard-core news coverage and the softer side offering some relief for those who were suffering from voter fatigue.



Drew Tyler

Live Production and all-around tech geek. Former university professor. I love all things Live, Projection mapping, gaming, and college survival tips.