Writing Challenge

BJ’s X-mas This or That Challenge

I prefer to call it This AND That, Though.


Frosty and Rudolph spotted at the Millenium Mall in Aizawl, Mizoram — Vidya Sury ©

I could not resist taking this all-important 20-question This or That Challenge when I was tagged by Toni Greathouse. I even sneakily copied the questions from her post — emojis and all. Never can resist a tag, anyway! Can’t resist writing prompts — I rush to create a draft the minute I read it. Getting around to completing and publishing is another story. But the joy of … eh, never mind.

Let’s go, then!

1. Christmas Eve or 🎄Christmas Day?

Both, of course. We like to celebrate all festivals. During my childhood, our house would smell like a bakery, thanks to all the loving Christmas cakes baked and brought over by my mom’s colleagues at school. By the way, she went to the same school as I did and the teachers who taught her, taught me too! One of them was also my godmother and guardian when I went to boarding school in the city she lived in.

I love the festivities everywhere during Christmas, there seems to be joy and cheer in the air even if the marketers are taking major advantage of enthusiastic shoppers. Still — fun is fun. Happiness is everywhere.

2. Santa 🎅🏽or No Santa?

Yes Santa, please. But no, I will not sit in his lap. However, I will enjoy the little Santa cutouts on all the Christmas trees I see. My three-year-old friend gifted me this cute Santa and chocolate; she insisted I eat the chocolate and would not stop laughing when I pretended not to know it was fake. If you are curious to know what it is — it is a bit of sponge.

Vidya Sury ©

3. Naughty or Nice?

Depends on the situation, company, or mood. I’d go with nice to people and naughty by nature. What’s life without a little spice, eh?

4. Egg Nog or 🍫Hot Chocolate?

Neither. I prefer coffee. Coffee is my soulmate drink. It is a hug in a mug. And it fills me with joy, bringing back memories of moments with my mom . . . especially early mornings when we would sip our bit mugs of strong coffee, standing on our balcony, watching the young rays of the sun, whispering to each other, as if careful not to disturb the peace . . . giggle quietly, plan our day . . .

Vidya’s delicious coffee ©

5. Velvet or Fur?

Velvet, I think. Although come to think of it I have nothing in velvet except a bit of material left over from taking something apart. But yes, I do have a lovely memory of a deep blue frock I had during my childhood that I loved. Oh, I just remembered I have a set of green velvet cushion covers that don’t fit any of my cushions. Hmm. Maybe I should get new cushions to fit the covers. 💭

6. Red ❤️or White 🤍?

This is getting hard now. I’d say red — all shades. My folks are always laughing at the number of things I have in shades of red. I love wearing red. There’s something so attractive about the color. But then I also love black.

7. Peppermint or Cinnamon?

Definitely cinnamon. Besides its Christmassy aroma, I especially treasure it because it helps control my blood sugar. I enjoy adding it to my baking and sometimes, even my coffee.

8. Frosty ⛄️or Rudolph 🦌?

Both, I think. I do love Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 🎵 who had a very shiny nose 🎵 and if you ever saw him . . . you would even say it glows!

Santa’s helper — yes. But Frosty, too. So much fun. I think the excitement of building a snowman is wonderful since I’ve never experienced snow.

9. Mistletoe or Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?

Mistletoe I guess. What is mistletoe? Never seen it except in the movies. As for mommy kissing Santa Claus — perhaps a cute statue but definitely not the real Santa. I mean, Santa is real, right?

10. Real 🎄or Fake?

Real is nice, but sometimes you gotta fake it you know. Like smiling.

11. Wrapped 🎁or Bagged?

Both. It is wonderful to unwrap things. So much mystery. Anticipation. Wow! But I am okay with bagged, too — because some gifts are so big . . . like a house. Hehe!

12. Home for the Holidays or 🌎 Christmas Abroad?

Both are fine, as long as it is with the people I love. It is always the company, no? Getting together with loved ones — friends and family creates memories that keep my spirits up — it is my go-to when I feel low.

13. Prancer 🦌or Dancer?

Prancer. I suspect I have two left feet although I did take dance classes for almost a year in high school. I learned Kuchipudi, a classical Indian dance. And I’ve participated in dance performances, too. But I do love to watch people dance. I admire natural dancers! The one time I think I really let go and danced was when I was ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ a bit drunk on New Year’s Eve in 1998. Because we were partying like it was 1999.

Any excuse to feature a Prince song 😉 BIG Prince fan!

14. Let It Snow ❄️or Mele Kalikimaka?

Both. I want to see snow. I also want to go to Hawaii. Not sure if I’ll wear coconut shell bras though . . . 😉 but who knows!

15. Baubles or 🌿Garland?

Both. What kind of choice is this? I love both. I am a hoarder of baubles. And I am good at weaving garlands with flowers. So . . .

16. Gas or 🔥Wood-Burning?

Gas for convenience and wood-burning for special occasions. The smell of wood burning is magical. It makes me think of cool winter evenings sitting around little fires, telling stories, and inhaling the fragrance of stuff that goes into the fire.

17. City or 🏠Rural?

Both. I like living in the city and holidaying in rural — what better way to detox? Some of our cities in India are rural where simple living is the way.

18. Turkey or Roast Beast?

Neither. I am a vegetarian and prefer a plant-based diet.

19. Elf 🧝or The Grinch?

Both — elves are cute. The Grinch had a point.

20. Cookies 🍪or Fudge?

Both. I love cookies and bake good ones — especially oatmeal. I also make great fudge — many Indian sweets are milk-based fudge. Come home and I’ll prove it to you 😊

Thank you, Toni Greathouse for kindly inviting me, among others, to take this fun challenge.

Enjoy The Sturg’s response to the challenge

Three cheers to Brett Jenae Tomlin (BJ) for presenting this lovely challenge. (BJ, please tag me in future, won’t you?)


Here’s the list of participants so far, thanks to BJ

And now, let me tag my usuals, perhaps much to their annoyance. *wink*

Nancy | Sandi | Sally | Mary | PseuPending (Seu) | Penny | Barb | Katie | Indra | Judy | Osan | JoAnn | I remember seeing Adrienne’s post | Jillian | Lisa | Preeti | Julie | Amanda | Aimée | Suma | Jason | Randy | Deb | Shubha | Tamil | Trisha | Dr. Preeti | Nicole | The Celtic Chameleon | Jill | Lucy | Hollie | Kris | Julie | Vashni | Warren | Blogs by J |Paul | Dr. Gabriella Korosi | Sharing Randomly | Lola | pockett | Susan | Deb | Tree | Elizabeth | JF Danskin | Preeti | Mary | K. Barrett | L Burton | Linda | Anne | Jill | BichoDoMato

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass. vidyasury.com