Daily Kindness Reminder

Donate cat or dog food to an animal shelter in your area

Enjoy the puppy or kitty love!

Most animal shelters struggle to manage their day-to-day expenses. Today, why not show them kindness by donating food? Oh, feel free to donate cash, blankets, toys, and bedding as well. When you are there, ask them what they need. Donate what you can. Thank you ❤

Image by kim_hester from Pixabay

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com