30-Day Writing Challenge — April with Keeley

I Didn’t Realize I Was My Own Obstacle

Day 10. Write a free verse poem about an obstacle you’ve overcome in your life



My worst obstacle
was me getting in the way
of my dreams, my goals

Mom’s voice of reason
ringing in my ears, loving
encouraging me

Telling me don’t dwell
on your shortcomings, Vidya
focus on your strengths

I would not speak up
scared I’d be wrong, ridiculed
would people hate me?

With admiration
I saw Mom’s strength, her boldness
she pushed me forward

Find yourself, she said
you are amazing, special
there’s only one you

Learn to love yourself
recognize your uniqueness
do not be afraid

Silence ain’t golden
as you will soon realize
you’ve got to speak up!

So I started small
toe in the water, slowly
easy occasions

When I got a “no”
I asked, “why not?” — that felt good
a sense of freedom

at work quite successfully
oh! Empowering!

It dawned on me then
how a shift in mindset can
change the course of life

There’s an old proverb
crying baby gets the milk
that never changes

Hard lesson to learn
but I finally see light
where there was darkness

Brighter future waits
I’ll never lose my voice now
write when I can’t speak

Encouraging words
that will brighten someone’s day
long after I’m gone

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Here’s Keeley’s inspiring call for April with some fabulous prompts. Join us, please!

Here are my posts so far.

Tagging the Keeley-clan-family of fabulous writers

Adrienne | Autistic Widower (“AJ”) | Brett Jenae Tomlin | The Sturg | Trisha Faye | Karen Schwartz | NancyO | Katie Michaelson | Bernie Pullen | Michelle Jimerson Morris | Julia A. KeirnsCelia McKinley | Charisse Tyson | Julie KingGood | Amy Frances | Julia A. Keirns | Ravyne Hawke | Pamela Oglesby | Harry Hogg | Tina | Pat Romito LaPointe| Ruby Noir | Kayla Tackett | Pat Romito LaPointe | C Cap1 | Anna Itzel Cazita | K. Joseph | Brandon Ellrich | Misty Rae | Karen Hoffman| Brandon Ellrich | Misty Rae | Karen Hoffman | Deb Palmer | Susie Winfield | Vincent Pisano | Paari | Marlene Samuels | Ray Day | Randy Pulley | Michael Rhodes | Lu Skerdoo | Pluto Wolnosci | Paula Shablo | Bruce Coulter | Ellen Baker | Kelley Murphy | Leigh-Anne Dennison | Lauren Alida | Jennifer Marla Pike

(Should I not have tagged you? Please let me know )



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com