Announcement — personal publication

Inspired to Start My Own Publication

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles. Did you smile today?


If there is one thing I truly enjoy, it is experimenting with things. Yes, I am the resident carpenter/plumber/electrician/mason/fixer-upper of all things at home and sometimes, to my neighbors. Sometimes this includes a clogged drain. I enjoy tinkering with things.

Now, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting my own publication — a personal publication for stories that don’t quite seem to fit anywhere else. They probably do, considering what I usually write about — but the “where” doesn’t always strike me right away and I self-publish these stories.

Also, with some publications closing recently, quite a few of my almost 700 posts have reverted to self-published.

And then, I read Dr Mehmet Yildiz’s post, citing reasons why he owns a personal publication even though he has several shared ones — BIG ones.

Inspired and convinced, I decided to take the step.

Presenting my personal publication,

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles — Did you smile today?

This will feature mindfulness meditations, inspirational stories, photo stories, food and recipes, book recommendations, travel experiences, lessons learned through parenting, health and wellness stories, and tips to show your diabetes who’s boss. 💜

Are you wondering why a name so similar to my personal profile?

Here’s the thing. I want to keep my tagline and name uniform across the web. I learned the value of branding during my corporate career. Now that I manage six blogs of my own, and am also active on various social media platforms, the goal is for people to instantly recognize my name, profile, and tagline when they see it.

I am so excited right now! It is a wonderful learning experience to play with the publication settings, make some silly mistakes, and figure out stuff like how to add topics/labels to the menu, etc. I am still working on it. I hope you’ll visit, take a look, spend some time, and feel free to offer suggestions for improvement. ❤ Like me, my publication is a work in progress.


I am grateful for the support I receive, both from readers and writers, and the fourteen publications where I have the privileged position of “editor” — I enjoy supporting these publications tremendously and admire their owners. In addition, my gratitude goes to all the publications that generously house my stories. I have so much love for this wonderful platform that’s Medium.

Thank you.

Gratitude to my friends on Medium ❤ for their constant support.

The Sturg | KiKi | Nancy | Sandi | Sally | Mary | PseuPending (Seu) | Penny | Barb | Katie | Indra | Sujona | Judy | Ellie | Osan | JoAnn | Adrienne | Jillian | Lisa | Preeti | Yana | Sahil | Julie | Amanda | Aimée | Suma | Jason | Randy | Deb | Shubha | Tamil | Trisha | Dr. Preeti | Nicole | The Celtic Chameleon | Jill | Lucy | Hollie | Kris | Julie | Vashni | Warren | Blogs by J |Paul | Dr. Gabriella Korosi | Sharing Randomly | Lola | pockett | Susan | Deb | Tree | Elizabeth | JF Danskin | Preeti | Mary | K. Barrett | L Burton | Linda | David | Diana C. | Ravyne | jules | Liberty | BichoDoMato | Kristina

With love,

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts