Jan 2023 30-day Writing Challenge Day 18

My Favorite Place To Visit

My mind. Where I can stroll through memory lane, nostalgia street


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

I have a long list of “favorite” places to visit, but I realized that the best place is inside my mind. Oh, the joy of memories. Truly, it is that messy place I call my mind that gives me the most peace and happiness.

Sure, I love to travel and have seen some fabulous places. One state in India I enjoy visiting is Himachal Pradesh. I don’t know what it is about HP, but it just pulls me. Before the pandemic, I made it a point to explore at least two towns every summer.

But I suppose any place is great if we are in the right frame of mind. And when I cannot travel, the best place is inside my mind — no tickets required. All I need to do is make some time and settle down — with my photo albums — and I am off to my happy place.

Reliving memories, the joy of those captured moments. Oh sometimes the nasty stuff also sneaks in, but then, life has a balance, no?

True that memories of family members and friends long gone is painful, but there’s always gratitude that they touched my life, leaving me with wonderfully precious and cherished memories.

When I feel especially low, I think of the time I treasured with my mom. I imagine her telling me that everything will work out and making me a quick cup of coffee. I remember how we used to think instant coffee was special…and she would cheer me up by saying she would make me a cup of instant coffee.

I think of the special moments that make me smile — such as when, back in the 90s, when cable TV was new and I worshipped MTV, she would call me on the landline at work when a Prince song came on and hold the receiver close to the TV speaker so I could listen to the song. I laugh when I recall my colleagues laughing at this.

Some people would laugh at the notion of living in the past — and to each their own, eh? I believe that our experiences make us who we are — and if we have love, we are stronger. And I am not shy to admit that.



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass. vidyasury.com