Set Yourself An Achievable Goal

And Take The First Step


Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Setting goals gives us purpose in life. And yet, many of us struggle to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. We sometimes tend to set goals that are not always realistic and achievable. I am guilty of this.

I’ve also found that when I have a “why” for my goal, I am likelier to stay focused. I am less prone to give in to distractions.

Another trick is to split goals into smaller tasks or mini-goals, and this makes them more achievable and easier to stay on track. Experts advise that we extend the deadline we envisage. So if you think you will take a week to do something, add a couple of days more as a buffer for unexpected delays.

Most of all, the point is to focus on consistent effort and not dwell on past failures. If you did fail (it is a possibility) try and understand why.

Don't forget to celebrate the wins. Also, consider the fact that sometimes it is all about the journey and not so much the destination ❤

Enjoy Daily Motivation--Do it now!

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Owner: Namaste Now! Boost Nominator, Editor, Writer, Poet. Loves coffee-travel-cooking-photography-experiences. Supports underprivileged children. vidyasury.com