Use One Of Your Strengths To Overcome A Challenge Today


Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash

Let’s remember that it is when we face a challenge that our resilience is truly tested. Now is when we must recognize our strengths. When we actively do this, we give ourselves better chances at positive outcomes. As a result, we feel happier, fulfilled and find ourselves able to cope better with stress.

When we use our strengths, we feel more energetic, less stressed, and more confident. We engage better, learn faster and reach our goals sooner.

How to use our strengths?

From my own experience, here are some quick suggestions — see which ones work for you. All of these have helped me overcome overwhelm.

  • Balance the “should do” stuff with things that make you happy. This will boost your morale and keep you motivated.
  • List your current challenges. Then list your strengths that can help you overcome them. Small steps count as progress.
  • Look for ways to build on your strengths rather than dwell on your shortcomings.
  • Sometimes it is alright if things did not go as planned. Celebrate what went well.
  • Even if your big goal looks far away and difficult, remember that…



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass. vidyasury.com