The simple way to convert to use Livedata with room database and experiment database inspector live update

Liem Vo
Viet Android Developers
4 min readAug 10, 2020

Recently Google has introduced the database inspector with the example sunflower. You may also want to try with the live update of the database inspector and it can be a tricky task and burn a bit time to convert room database without livedata to room database with livedataand experiment with the live update of the database inspector. In this post, I will use the existing project using in the experiment hilt from Google that has some modifications in my repo.

This post will focus on convert to use the livedata with room and experiment.

The source code before applying this change

Convert to using the livedata

Step1: Add lifecycle-livedata dependency on the app/build.gradle.kts

// live data
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.2.0"

then run Gradle sync by click to the Gradle icon on your Android studio.

Step2: Update the interface.

Original LogDathe interface doesn’t use the live data to get the logs.

interface LogDao {

@Query("SELECT * FROM logs ORDER BY id DESC")
fun getAll(): List<Log>

Convert this method to use livedata for getting logs

interface LogDao {

@Query("SELECT * FROM logs ORDER BY id DESC")
fun getAll(): LiveData<List<Log>>

Study more if you don’t clear how to use the livedatawith room .

Step3: Update the LoggerDataSource interface to use the livedata


interface LoggerDataSource {
fun addLog(msg: String)
fun getAllLogs(callback: (List<Log>) -> Unit)
fun removeLogs()

The new update

interface LoggerDataSource {
val liveData: LiveData<List<Log>>
fun addLog(msg: String)
fun removeLogs()

Step4: Update the implementation of LoggerDataSource

LoggerLocalDataSource will become

class LoggerLocalDataSource @Inject constructor(private val logDao: LogDao) : LoggerDataSource {
override val liveData: LiveData<List<Log>> = logDao.getAll()
private val executorService: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)

override fun addLog(msg: String) {
executorService.execute {

override fun removeLogs() {
executorService.execute {

We remove the unused property and assign directly the livedata value from logData

We also need to update the LoggerInMemoryDataSource to avoid compile errors.

Step5: Inject the livedata to the LogsFragment by inserting the snipped code below to the onViewCreated

logger.liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
binding.recyclerView.adapter =


Here the livedata is observed with the viewLifecycleOwner then update the new value to the UI when the database update that makes the UI automatically update when the data source change without refresh.


We have converted from room to use the livedata.

Experiment live update of the database inspector

This feature only works with a database that is using the livedata . To use the database inspector, we need to open the project with the Android studio 4.1 or above.

Step1: Build and run the project on an emulator or device.

Step2: Click some buttons to generate some logs

Step3. Navigate to the logs fragment by pressing SEE ALL LOGS

We will have the screen with some logs above.

Step4: Open the database inspector by choosing one of two ways below

  • Click View -> Tool Windows -> Database Inspector
  • Click to the Database INspector in the bottom left of your Android studio

Step5: Choose device and application

Step6: Open the logs table and change the value of one row and observe the change on the application UI.

Congratulation, you have known how to use the database inspector and live update.

The source code after converting to room database with livedata

