Creator Spotlight August:

Viewly Team
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2018

BuriedONE Crypto Mining

August marks the second month now that our Creator Rewards Program has been up and running on Viewly Alpha. For those who haven’t explored the platform in a while, Viewly Creator Rewards is a token distribution program that distributes tokens to creators who are producing high value content, and receiving Votes on Viewly. This is creating a more competitive atmosphere where creators can earn by simply creating great content.

One of those creators, is BuriedONE Cryptomining

Rory, creator of BuriedONE, couldn’t be more at home on Viewly either. Since 2016, Rory has focused his video content on anything and everything related to mining cryptocurrency. From showcasing the markets Top 5 Mining GPU’s, to contemplating the possibility of taking the blockchain to space, Rory has found a way to make a complicated technology anything but dull. Just check out one of our personal favorites…

Watch: Blockchains in Space? by BuriedONE Cryptomining

When asked what we can expect from BuriedONE in the future, Rory told us to expect to see a big focus on the development of blockchain technology, further progress in GPU tech, as well as some videos touching on AI! We couldn’t be more excited. In addition, Rory plans to build his following on Viewly to show off some of the latest technology in data centers, and some new ways of cooling computer hardware, which should perk the ears of our tech community!

The BuriedONE channel truly does encapsulate the sort of content we hope to host on Viewly; engaging, high-value, educational video that brings communities together. In Rory’s opinion, Viewly is a great fit for him as well. When asked what drew him to begin using Viewly, Rory replied…

“The simplicity and the futuristic look that is not bombarded with features and icons all over the place”

If you haven’t had a chance to check out BuriedONE on Viewly yet, Rory’s latest upload is a great place to start!

Watch: Helpful Top 5 Mining Rig Parts by BuriedONE Cryptomining

You can also follow Rory on Medium BuriedONE Crypto...

As well as Twitter:

