Viewly Developer Update: Improved player, login pages and social features

Viewly Developers
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2018
Viewly Alpha

Playback Speed

The most commonly requested player feature has been the ability to speed up or slow down the playback. Slowing down the playback is useful for time sensitive videos, such as a drum playing tutorial, and speeding the playback up is great for talk shows and educational content.

The player also lets you change the speed with +/- keyboard shortcuts.

Preview Tiles

The preview tiles allow users to quickly scan over the video, and jump to the desired location. The preview images are large and of high quality.

New Login / Registration Pages

The signup page has received a visual over-haul in this update as well.

Progressive image loading

The image processing pipeline has been re-done to support progressive JPEG’s. The images are now slightly less crisp, but they do load 2x faster on average.

Improved comments

The comments system is now integrated with Viewly channels. Content creators are now automatically logged in with the correct channel when replying to comments on their videos. Users who do not have a Viewly account can still leave a comment by signing in with Twitter / Google / Facebook.

Improved voting backend

This release features revamped voting backend. You might be wondering what is this voting thing about anyway — you’ll have to stay tuned to the next development update to find out.

