Introduce-a-Creator — Community Event!

Stefan Furlan
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2017

Many of you have been asking and we’ve delivered! Our next community event will award 500 VIEW tokens for any content creator that you refer to Viewly and who joins. The creators themselves will receive VIEW tokens as well. The amount of tokens will depend on their content and follower base. Please email us the conversation to confirm at or, if it’s a public conversation, tag us with #joinviewly.

We also want you to help us spread the word and tag content creators that you believe would be a good fit for Viewly. To accomplish this and earn tokens, to do the following:

  1. Write a Facebook post or tweet introducing your favorite creator. Don’t forget to tag the creator and Viewly Facebook page or use the hashtag #joinviewly if you are using Twitter.
  2. Next, you need to get at least 50 retweets or FB likes. The more tweets, the more VIEW tokens you’ll earn. We are giving away 500 VIEW tokens for each 50 retweets / likes and additional 500 VIEW tokens for 100 retweets / likes.
  3. If the content creator that you introduced joins Viewly, we’ll again double your reward. Remember: YOU need to be the first person to reach 50 likes/retweets for a specific creator to earn your tokens.

Ideally, we are looking for creators that have a large following and passionate fans that are willing to champion them, but are struggling to gain followers and/or revenue under a broken, centralized traditional system. A good fit would be a creator who produces quality niche content and has loyal followers, but is not quite “mass market” enough to make enough money from ads, or perhaps they excel in creating high budget, long-form content that just doesn’t play well with the viral “views” model. Or they just plain kick ass.

By the way.. for our followers, we haven’t just been announcing standalone giveaways and events, they’re setting the stage for something awesome.. stay tuned!

